I can’t even. – IOTW Report

I can’t even.

Life sentence for stepmom in death and ‘unbearable suffering’ of KCK boy fed to pigs.


KansasCityStar: The living hell of Adrian Jones’ last year on earth ended with his emaciated and battered 7-year-old body consumed by pigs.

On Monday, one of the adults who inflicted such horrific abuse on the Kansas City, Kan., boy was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.

Heather Jones, Adrian’s stepmother, also was sentenced Monday to five years and eight months in prison for two counts of child abuse.

District Judge Mike Grosko followed the terms of the plea agreement and ordered the sentences to run consecutively.

Jones, 30, pleaded guilty in Wyandotte County District Court last month to a charge of first-degree murder.

The boy’s remains were found last year, and authorities said it appeared he had been fed to pigs on property rented by Jones and her husband in the 5200 block of North 99th Street.

Heather Jones’ husband and Adrian’s father, 45-year-old Michael A. Jones, also is charged in the case and is awaiting trial.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Sheryl Lidtke said Monday that it was the most heinous crime she has seen in her 27-year career as a prosecutor.

20 Comments on I can’t even.

  1. These things generally never happen when children are raised in nuclear families with both biological (or adoptive) parents. It is amazing how cruel people can be to children that aren’t their own and more disturbing to see their biological parent turn on them or turn the other way when the child is being abused.

  2. She over played her hand and underplayed her chance for glory in court.

    She should have said “I was simply working on my resume for 2020; look no one can get to the left of me on ‘Pro-Choice’; if I made a mistake it was to feed the boy to pigs- in hindsight I should have carved him up and sold him to Planned Parenthood. Either way, at this point, what difference does it make?”

  3. Hopefully inmates with each of these child murderers will see fit to cut off every appendage attached to each torso, then take the guts, eyeballs, and tongue, then pull each tooth if they are still conscious, then cut off each head and feed the remains to the hyenas. The balance of dues payable will come in HELL. May endless agony and screaming in pain be theirs for all eternity. May it never stop, never cease, never abate.

  4. We have an awful case close to Birmingham. An adopted 14 y.o. boy was kept in the basement for 2 years and was admitted to the hospital weighing 55 pounds. His parents each have a one million dollar bond. Right now, that is all that is being reported.

  5. My blood is literally boiling after reading this.Goddamn those fucking scumbags to hell forever. And the fucking judge who sentenced that fucking skank with a possibility of parole after 25 years can haul ass down there with them. Cruel and swift death to animals who would do such a thing to a child…
    I pray that Almighty God will forgive me for such thoughts, but more than that, I pray that precious little soul has already been given his well deserved Heavenly reward… Amen

  6. children are the closest to god, since they so recently came from heaven

    listen to their voices at kindergarten or elementary school, and you will hear enthusiasm, spirit, faith, joy, and trust

    we are supposed to try to emulate children thru our lives for these reasons

    when you mess with children, you are inflicting pain on god directly, good luck with that

    what a beautiful young boy that they had a chance to cultivate, but he has returned to be by god’s side

    rip, amen

  7. How can this not bring tears to anyone who reads this. A sweet little seven years old, mistreated is unbelievable. Please, God, take this little boy in your arms and comfort him. May he rest in peace.

  8. Warehousing this filth with three hots, a cot, and better healthcare than you or I get is a sin.

    The wall behind the courthouse and a .40 caliber enforcement immediately after conviction is the only answer. Dispatch them, and let Lucifer have his way with them. I’m sure he could use the entertainment…

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