I don’t think they realize we can SEE them as they are – IOTW Report

I don’t think they realize we can SEE them as they are

The Obamas in their natural state


13 Comments on I don’t think they realize we can SEE them as they are

  1. Being covered in fur and foraging for food is Mooch ‘Sassie’the Sasquatch’s natural state.
    Bathhouse Barry’s natural state is seeking aid and comfort from men who think “leading from behind” is fabulous.

  2. OT, something that.s bothered me to no end at the end of the 2008 election. And I know for a fact it bothered someone else. Remember Obama raking Trump over the coals at some dumb ass press conference as DJT sat in the audience? I understand Trump and that shits been chewing on him. We need to demand a post election debate between the old communist Obama, and DJT. A free for all for freedom. We deserve that after all the communist bull shit we’ve been through for the last 8 years. Old Barry thinks he’s pretty bad ass. Let’s see hm face Trump in a debate.

  3. gallows humor……we MUST laugh, because we know how much damage has been done, and we can’t deal with it without a little gallows humor….

    i’m ready for some REAL gallows humor, when the tumbrils are full of grubers and brokaws and all manner of enablers,not to mention clintons, obamas, and sorry to say, many others we thought we could trust, who brought this country down to this sorry state, ON PURPOSE……

    obama himself excused his laughter about the failures of obamacare (i think it was obamacare, but who can keep track of his lies?) as “gallows humor”……that would be the greatest poetic justice, even if we were just “pretending” to drag him in chains to the gallows….and then told him to just get the expletive deleted OUT OF OUR COUNTRY….

    personally, i think we need to feed him and all his generations to the tree of liberty…..but not the dog….it’s not the dog’s fault….we can find him a new home where he won’t have to smell dogs cooking three times a week, right? are you with me here?

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