“I had never been known for bigotry, racism, sexism…But within a month, I was all of those” – IOTW Report

“I had never been known for bigotry, racism, sexism…But within a month, I was all of those”

JihadWatch: These reminiscences of Rush Limbaugh resonated with me, because I had the same experience. He says: “My entire life I had never been known for hating anybody. I had never been known for bigotry, racism, sexism, any of the phobias. But within a month of starting my radio program, I was all of those.”

Likewise, in my entire life I had never been known for hating anybody, but as soon as I published my first book, Islam Unveiled, back in 2002, I was taken aback by the accusations. I had naively assumed that Muslims of good will would respond thoughtfully to the points I had made in the book, and a fruitful public discussion would ensue — it is embarrassing to think back on just how naive I was.

What really happened was that Hamas-linked CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper, with Keith Olbermann guest-hosting on an MSNBC show, called me a “hatemonger,” and it was only then that the Islamic supremacist strategy dawned on me: they would smear and defame every foe of jihad terror, until there were no foes left, and everyone else was afraid to speak out for fear of committing professional suicide. No opponent of jihad terror is acceptable to them: each and every one of us, and everyone who dares utter a critical word about Islamic terror, is smeared and vilified as a “bigot,” and “Islamophobe,” etc.

The agenda is clear: sweep away all the foes of jihad terror, so that the jihad can advance unopposed and unimpeded.  MORE

7 Comments on “I had never been known for bigotry, racism, sexism…But within a month, I was all of those”

  1. Seems to me that in order to label someone as a bigot, you yourself have to actually think you’re better than the person being so labelled.

    Isn’t that the definition of what a bigot is?

  2. There are enough of us little guys, “grey men”, out here that are just as Islam adverse as you are. We just don’t have as big a podium to speak from.
    Don’t worry. Just keep on keepin’ on. We’ll have your back when it’s necessary.

    Maybe I’ll get (or fake up) an ISIS flag, burn it, and post it on FB or YouHooToob. What is CAIR (should be called CAIRn. look it up) gonna do? Admit that they’re publicly aligned with ISIS? (should be named WASWAS)

  3. Like a girlfriend I used to regularly accuse of cheating when she was not said, “if you’re gonna falsely accuse me, then I might as well be doing it.” I feel the same about racism. You particular congress of humans have falsely accused me of being racist for so long, I’m tired of it. I’m gonna try it on and see if it fits.

  4. “…you yourself have to actually think you’re better than the person being so labelled

    Isn’t that the definition of what a bigot is?”

    Not really, but I can see where one would come to that conclusion.

    It’s about assuming something about another based on your own prejudices.

    “Well, you’re white, so you are racist!”

    “I don’t expect my black employees to show up on time and do their work right because black people are lazy, right?”

    That’s bigotry.

    To assume someone is a bigot, based on no evidence, is bigotry. Which is what I think you were getting at.

    If what you said is true, then one could never point out true bigotry without being one. Some people really are bigots and calling them what they are, if they are, doesn’t make you one.

    But talk to most lefties and you’ll find they use it as a substitute for racist. Ignorant sluts, they are.

    We had a group of them descend on us here when that one woman talked about eliminating men to the point of just being studs in a barn. They were bigots but couldn’t grasp it because they thought bigot=racist, plus only whites could be that!

  5. “I had never been known for bigotry, racism, sexism…But within a month, I was all of those”

    There’s nothing wrong with being any of those. You are not God, you can’t possibly like everyone, respect everyone, and even God hates a liar. Those are just names of certain characteristics of people that I do not care for. I mean who loves a murdering muzzie except for a murdering muzzie. Who likes a member of the Dindu Nuffin Tribe when they play knock out games, call you a white cracker, only members of the Dindu’s do. If you wanna call me racists, a bigot, go ahead, as it just means I don’t like you. Does that make sense? To me it does.

  6. All adult muslims should be treated with scorn and disgust everywhere they are encountered.
    They all belong to a club that supports rape and pedophilia, and, on top of that, they wish me dead.
    Everyone needs to find the courage to treat them as they deserve to be treated; as worthless scum that has no place in decent society.
    Here in America, no one is forced into being in any group. We are free to choose, so if they choose to be sick and depraved they also choose to not be accepted by society.

  7. Nope. Not going to treat all adult Muslims with scorn and disgust. Hate is a guaranteed way of having problems. If you must hate, you’re better off practicing their own method of taqiya (whatever) instead of tipping your hand and suffering for it.

    I know one Muslim personally. He stayed with me for about 10 months.

    He saw what a loving family is really like. The stark contrast with his own was undeniable. He knew his family was the way most Muslim families are – cold and harsh to their children.

    Love goes a long way. But he understands I’ll shoot anyone that threatens the life of my family. Be it Muslim, Christian, Thug, or Amish. (You gotta keep an eye on those quiet ones)

    It’s not hateful to wipe out the enemy of your civilization. It’s just survival/taking out the trash. It is their choice to make an enemy of me. I’ll do all I can to make sure it’s the last choice they make. Being hateful doesn’t help nor make anything better. Just makes you look like a fringe kook. Which you would be at that point.

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