I Have A Question For The Former President – IOTW Report

I Have A Question For The Former President

A young man, who claimed to be a former marine drill instructor, was given the chance to ask Former President Bill Clinton a question at a rally yesterday in South Carolina.   Ask he did.


Kudos to the brave youngster who refused to be drowned out by the crowd, but I have a few questions of my own I’d like to address to the president.

Mr. President, would you say Secretary of State Clinton’s policy in Libya most closely resembled your foreign policy in Bosnia, Rwanda or Somali when you were president?

Could you comment on why Charity Navigator removed The Clinton Foundation from its website?

Would you care to elaborate on your trips to Jeff Epstein’s private island with all those underaged girls?


Where are you going Mr. President? We were just getting started.



15 Comments on I Have A Question For The Former President

  1. One of my favorite fantasies is attending a Hitlery rally and asking her, “Madame, does your belief that victims of sexual assault ought to be heard extends to Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, and Kathleen Willey?”

  2. ray of hope or just smartphones?:
    “Are you afraid?” he [Bill] asked [with regards to his answer that Hillary did not lie about Benghazi].

    “No. I’m not afraid because I know you’re going to lie,” she said.

    Who would have thought we would live long enough that Bill would be told to his face that he is a known liar at-a-democrat-rally and the accuse would not be summarily executed for blasphemy. Thank the LORD for smartphones and the web because the thought of those images going viral were the only thing spared that man and woman from a fate as bad as anything ISIS could think of.

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  1. The Confrontation: “Shut Up and Listen” -Bill Clinton To a Marine |

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