I now pronounce you Man and Former Stepchild – IOTW Report

I now pronounce you Man and Former Stepchild

78 year-old man seeks to marry his 68 year-old adopted son

The report says that the older man adopted the “younger” guy in 2012 in order to manipulate the law and receive benefits. Now he wants the adoption rescinded so they can get married.

You see??!!!?? It’s high time we get rid of these stupid laws and… simply allow men to marry their sons. (See what I did there?)


Ht/ Jerry Manderin

15 Comments on I now pronounce you Man and Former Stepchild

  1. So with only 10 year age difference between adopted father and child, just how old was said “father” when he adopted this person? And what court (even though progressive liberalism is the cancer de jour of our legal system now) would have condoned such a thing?

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