Marco Rubio Hasn’t Been Confronted On Immigration – IOTW Report

Marco Rubio Hasn’t Been Confronted On Immigration

marco rubio and gang

The Main Stream Media is going out of its way to promote Marco Rubio as the new Establishment favorite. But they’re ignoring his biggest weakness—immigration.

17 Comments on Marco Rubio Hasn’t Been Confronted On Immigration

  1. People…

    Marco Rubio is Jeb Bush’s protege.

    If you’ve decided that you don’t care for what Bush is selling, as we all have, understand that Rubio is a slightly more attractive package bearing the same poisoned fruits.

    The MSM/CoC/GOPe/One Worlders/Globull Warmers/Amnesty Backers all love love love Rubio.

    It ALL you need to know.

    Trump 2016. Trump always.

    Let’s make America great again.

  2. OF COURSE the MSM isn’t pushing this fatal angle.
    They’ll save it in case Senor Rubio is the nominee and then let it out as if it were a BAAAD thing in the eyes of Democrats.

  3. He has a fluid authoritative delivery when he speaks. People are stupid. They pay more attention to the tone and delivery than the content. Take Obama for example. Take Cruz for another.

  4. Chief, I think the article’s writer has it right in his last paragraph. Trump has defined his presidential run on so much more than whether there is or is not a pathway to citizenship. He says “they’re getting out!” And no matter who among the candidates says what about immigration, none of them other than Trump has addressed the problem of the those who are here illegally right now. No one has addressed the anchor baby problem — not just from our southern border, but from any other country, and none of them have had the guts to say that Americans come first. To my mind, that really set the bar on the immigration plank. I’m kind of disgusted with any candidate who is going to cash in on Trump showing his real leadership by being the canary-in-the-coal-mine on this problem; instead choosing to see how it plays in Peoria before being forthright in his (or her) convictions. Trump did that and it is what catapulted him into the lead early and kept him there. It could have back-fired on Trump. The media could have successfully crucified him and stalled out his ideas on immigration, sending him back to NY, sending the would-be Trump supporters back to the GOPe and returning conservatives back to the drawing board on how to deal with tens of millions of law-breaking illegals as fellow “citizens” who vote for Democrats and their friends across the aisle.

    Trump defined the problem, set the bar and framed the solution.

  5. I know Cruz is incredibly well-known for his debate trophies and he is very much less well-known for his conservative chops among independents and swing voters. I’d heard a lot about Cruz but until I heard him speak at CPAC ’11, I’d only heard sound bytes. Quite honestly his speech patterns were distracting. I had to really focus to hear his message. I think Cruz is an American hero with the strongest conservative predigree, but he’s going to have a big challenge ahead to appeal to low information voters who don’t know who bolsheviks and mensheviks were or why they should care about them. These are not Churchillian times in which we are living.

  6. That speech pattern might fly in the south and some parts of the country. It won’t fly where I live. I have people tell me all the time, including relatives that live in AZ, can’t stand to hear him talk. Like I said people are stupid. Cruz has a good message. He will stay close to where he’s at in the polls. Remember how the media use to accuse GW for being uneducated. It was his speech pattern. They never bothered listening to what he was saying.

  7. Not that it matters, but it matters. I’ve been told by more that a few younger, middle-aged, and older women (both family and friends) that Ted Cruz is physically, verbally, the whole package, a real turn-off for the ladies.

    As in, whether it’s conscious or unconscious for them, he’s up against a big “yuck” factor.

    So his only chance with female voters are his core principles appealing to them so much that the other factors melt away.

    Uh, yeah. Good luck with that, Ted.

  8. How about neither for elected office, Magnum.

    Rubio should get a job in the real world and stage a comeback later. Like Paul Ryan, he’s been in Washington, aka “The UniParty” far too long for a man so young.

    As to Cruz, I like him for the Attorney General, or Supreme Court. He’s wasted on the cesspool called The Senate. I mean,the Senate? That’s where guys like Biden are made!

  9. Love the picture with Schumer. We don’t hear from Chuck too much these days. He must be up for reelection.

    Was it just a few years ago he was telling Marco the Republicans need to embrace amnesty or they would never win another election. Good old Chuck, always looking for the good of the GOP and Marco believed him.

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