Ohio: ICE Arrests Illegals In Workers Union – IOTW Report

Ohio: ICE Arrests Illegals In Workers Union

DC: A Democratic National Committee member expressed frustration at ICE because they arrested illegal immigrants that were part of his union at the DNC’s summer meetings in Chicago on Thursday.

“My union represents workers in a meatpacking plant in Salem, Ohio. One day, our members when to work processing bacon, as they do every day, and ICE showed up with semi-automatic weapons, with guns pointed in people’s faces, with a helicopter hovering overhead, and 146 people were detained,” the member said.

“Eighty of them are still in detention. Some of them were detained for the crime of not bringing their papers to work that day,” he continued.

The raid referenced took place in June at the meat supplier Fresh Mark. ICE agents arrested 98 men and 48 women, the majority of which came to the United States illegally from Guatemala and obtained employment using stolen or fraudulent documentation.  MORE

17 Comments on Ohio: ICE Arrests Illegals In Workers Union

  1. The good news is there are now around 150 new job openings for taxpaying American workers in Salem, Ohio.
    Defense of illegals is a losing position. It cannot be justified or rationalized.
    The laws must be vigorously enforced. We cannot open our arms to everyone seeking to leave their shithole countries or we will end up like Venezuela or even worse, California.

  2. Old oaks, thanks for the posting of Rawhide by Frankie Lane. My favorite CPO Chief John Stuber always got all the plane captains and everyone else in my squadron VF 114 motivated every morning by yelling “Head em up, move em out.” He was a great Chief and a good guy to all of us as well, an old school but very fair Chief, we were lucky to have him as our leader.

  3. Now they need to get on the large industrial ‘farms’ like the dairies and large warehouse-size greenhouses. Those dairies are polluting our lakes and groundwater, or will at some point in the future. They haul manure in large trucks to formerly nice farms now decimated flat spaces with manure dump boxes and run a drag line back into the woods where the liquid manure gets pumped. They pay people to take this slop that is tainted with all the antibiotics the cows were given and the GMO RoundUp ready grains. See algae bloom Lake Erie and Toledo water crisis of a couple years ago. And the employees live back in the woods and emerge at the grocery stores speaking Spanish exclusively.

  4. When you read between the lines he’s really complaining about his dues paying members. They just happen to be illegal. It’s about the money more than their legal status. They know illegals won’t complain so they can stay in the shadows.

  5. I TOTALLY agree with Junopapas’ take on this.

    The Federal Gov’t has to STEP UP and go after the EMPLOYERS who KNOWINGLY pay illegals a lower wage .

    Because when you get right down to it, more profit

    ( even if it breaks our laws or screws Americans over in the process..)

    is what its all about for those greedy bastards.

    PUBLICLY fining a few of the worst offenders

    ( Tyson Foods, WalMart Big Ag. companies )
    heavily until they are bankrupted

    would do wonders to get them to stop the practice in the future.

  6. JDubb, I would add Target to that list.
    As a former employee of Target, I and a lot of others, could testify to them hiring warehouse crews, stock room workers and cleaning crews who did not speak a drop of English.

  7. The reporting from Poltico is very frustrating because of it’s incompleteness. They state that of the total, only 8 are still in detention, but don’t give the disposition of the others. Were they deported, found guilty/in jail or released??

  8. I knew a guy with the “Weathermakers” Union (Insulators – in and around DC) and he claimed that that Union organized a “B” Union of illegals, specifically to circumvent immigration, work, and compensation laws.

    He may have been a disgruntled Union slave, but it made sense.

    Unions are criminal organizations, in the first place, so some further criminality isn’t really unexpected – or surprising.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. FTA: “…showed up with semi-automatic weapons, with guns pointed in people’s faces, with a helicopter hovering overhead, and 146 people were detained,” the member said”.

    Now you know how right-to-workers feel when forced to pay union dues against their wishes.


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