Iceland: Grandmother sits on iceberg, floats off to sea – IOTW Report

Iceland: Grandmother sits on iceberg, floats off to sea

DC: A precious grandmother saw a chance to be a queen for a moment when she discovered an iceberg that looked like a throne, so she sat on it.

Shortly after, the iceberg broke off and began to drift out to sea with Judith Streng still nestled on her throne.   go see

23 Comments on Iceland: Grandmother sits on iceberg, floats off to sea

  1. If I understand this–Granny is floating off to parts unknown while son is filming and has to be rescued by passerby, a sea captain, while her son is still filming?? WTH is wrong with these f-ing morons and their stupid fascination with filming everything? Were they going to show Granny waving bye to the Grandkids at the funeral? SHEESH.

    Now you know why this Nation is in the crapper and the water is swirling!!


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