If This Guy Is Declared Not Competent For Sentencing The Entire Left Is Also Not Competent – IOTW Report

If This Guy Is Declared Not Competent For Sentencing The Entire Left Is Also Not Competent

Read until the money shot.

Sun Sentinel-

The sentencing of a Miramar man convicted in July of killing his estranged wife and dumping her body in the Everglades in 2012 was delayed Thursday after he stunned a courtroom by addressing cryptic comments to….

Cid Torrez, 44, was scheduled to be sentenced by Broward Circuit Judge Lisa Porter and was making a statement Thursday afternoon that focused on his profession of innocence and his love for his children.

The only one of his children who was in court, 18-year-old daughter Vilet Torrez, had earlier given a blistering statement of her own, saying her father was a liar who made her sick.

Vilet Torrez shares a name with her mother, 38, the victim in the case. The mother disappeared on March 31, 2012. Her body was never found.

“Guess what, Dad. Yeah, I get your letters,” she said. “You want to know why I don’t reply? Because I don’t want to talk to you… I’m agnostic, but I can tell you now, you are going to go to hell. Thanks for everything dad. You wanted a letter from me. I’m sorry, but this is as good as you’re gonna get.”

Torrez’s gaze was fixed on his daughter throughout her statement, and when it was his turn to speak, he addressed her directly.

“I still love you,” he said, calling young Vilet Torrez his “jewel.”

“I still continue writing. I always wanted to have children like you, and I was blessed to have children like you… You are a true warrior. I am a very proud father.”

He also said while he respects the jury’s July verdict finding him guilty of murder, he does not agree with it.

“She is not deceased,” he said of his wife. “I humbly accept what the jury said. But I do plead for mercy, for I have not committed a crime.”

Then he digressed.

“The witch hunt ends here, commander-in-chief,” Torrez said more than once. Asked later who he was addressing his comment to, Torrez was coy at first before answering “Donald Trump.”

Politics didn’t figure into the trial or its verdict. Porter called for a court-appointed psychologist to evaluate Torrez to make sure he is competent to proceed with sentencing.


How is this any more deranged than the typical lefty?


7 Comments on If This Guy Is Declared Not Competent For Sentencing The Entire Left Is Also Not Competent

  1. Nope.
    Right in line with the typical socialist/mentally-ill dumbasses.
    He should get a pass, as does HRC, Pelosi, Waters, Jackson-Lee, Obola, Axelrod, Emanuel, Schumer, Reid, Johnson, Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of the criminals.

    Nothing to see here … move along … opps – sorry – move on!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Anyone concerned about justice in this case should demand any Psychiatrists or
    Psychologists who give testimony are fully vetted. In past cases in Florida, Judges have prevented vetting of mental health experts. I have done research on past Florida Murder cases with mental health testimony and most courts have accepted testimony “on its face” without vetting of experts. I found many court experts got their diplomas in Psychology or Psychiatry from “Degree Mills”. Demand court experts or so called “Friends of the court” be fully vetted! Fraud is rampant and systemic in Florida courts. Bougus experts must be detected in Florida courts!

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