Illegals in Canada complain about lack of cell phones – IOTW Report

Illegals in Canada complain about lack of cell phones


According to a new report, illegal immigrants entering Canada are complaining that they’re not receiving enough free money, cell phones, and housing. 

Although illegal immigrants in Canada have access to welfare cash within days of entering the country, some are disappointed they’re not receiving more.

The Daily Caller reports that according to some of the immigrants, Canada is not doing enough to supply housing, especially in the sanctuary city of Montreal.

A 42-year-old man named Ahmed Iftikhar, who entered the United States illegally before moving to Canada with his wife and four children, recently complained to CTVNews that he could not find a comfortable housing arrangement for him and his family.

He also complained that, although he received it almost immediately upon entering the country, the cash assistance he had been given was not enough and there is no government official who he can find that will give him more.  READ MORE

13 Comments on Illegals in Canada complain about lack of cell phones

  1. 🔶Is it possible for me to walk into Canada with no papers, claim immigrant status, get money, then cross the border, change hats, and do the same scam again?

    🔶Are they going to turn me away because I’m white? Fine! I’ll wear a turban!

  2. They are Scrounging Scum Who Would Find a Reason To Ask for More If They Were Given Mansions and a Goldbar !!!
    They Talk Very Large – But The Truth is I Don’t Think Theres a Job They Know How to Do ! They May Have Sheep Hearders In Canada ? If Not They Should, It’s Racist Not to Justin From Canada !!!

  3. In nature the parasite doesn’t kill the host. These creatures will feed till there’s nothing left, and the so called leadership has placed the flatware and napkins for them.

  4. Trudeau will remedy this problem by raising taxes on entrepreneurs, businesses, wealthy and the middle class.

    The islamic leeches in Canada will be in new condominiums, have 1st class medical care, education, I-phones and larger welfare checks while the rest of Canada works to scrape by on meager earnings.

    Trudeau is willing to destroy Canada to prove socialism works.
    OH, Can-a- Duh !

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