Illinois Holocaust Museum Begins Requiring Visitors to Show Approved Travel and Vaccination Papers – IOTW Report

Illinois Holocaust Museum Begins Requiring Visitors to Show Approved Travel and Vaccination Papers


As we exit the year 2021, the gravitational irony created by Omicron has become so strong the fabric of space and time have begun folding upon themselves. The Illinois Holocaust Museum is targeting to remove the unclean visitors. more

21 Comments on Illinois Holocaust Museum Begins Requiring Visitors to Show Approved Travel and Vaccination Papers

  1. Say I’m vaxxed. If I go to the front door of the Holocaust Museum and tell them I want to know everything about the Holocaust, but I have a pig under one arm and a couple of lobsters under the other, would they let me in?

    I don’t know why the thought occurred to me. Just wondering, I guess.

  2. judgeroybean er: lots o people thats who. Go outside, everyday, little cold this time of year. So, could you be, would you be, my neighbor. Lets go for stroll, meet at 83rd & Martin Luther King Dr. say midnight, please come alone for the tour.

  3. @Anon January 1, 2022 at 10:57 am

    > Lets go for stroll, meet at 83rd & Martin Luther King Dr. say midnight, please come alone for the tour.

    I’ll wear my MAGA hat, if you bring the sammich.

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