Illinois legislators approve police reforms and elimination of cash bail – IOTW Report

Illinois legislators approve police reforms and elimination of cash bail

CWS: Both houses of the Illinois General Assembly passed a major overhaul of policing and criminal justice for the state in a last-minute vote during its lame-duck session Wednesday. The law now awaits the signature of Gov. JB Pritzker.

The final version of the legislation, which sprawls across more than 750 pages, was introduced late Tuesday. Senators had about an hour to review the final legislation before voting on it. A previous bill, which racked up 4,000 registered supporters and 20,000 registered opponents, was pulled Monday and rewritten. more

20 Comments on Illinois legislators approve police reforms and elimination of cash bail

  1. Summary by a cop to his fellow officers…

    Ain’t taking the time to duplicate where he made it in bold .


    I reviewed the 764 pages and provided a brief summary of the relevant portions of the bill. Please keep in mind, this is my own summary. I am still awaiting a review as well as statement from the State Lodge.

    As I indicated previously, the Qualified Immunity for Peace Officers remained in place. However, review number 4 below, a Task Force was commissioned to research the matter for future implementation.

    The original bill included more extreme measures restricting Collective Bargaining Rights and expanding Discipline against officers. (Thank you Lt. Wright for your information). The final draft of the bill that passed excluded most of the Collective Bargaining restrictions for Unions and some of extreme Disciplinary measures. The language permitting sworn affidavits and anonymous complaints are written to override any CBA executed after the bill is enacted. The Disciplinary articles in the law will limit the Union’s ability to negotiate discipline, anonymous complaints, and sworn affidavits in future contract negotiations.

    I included most of the highlights of the bill below, but if you are only interested in the portions that may affect us immediately or directly, you should only need to review the Bold summaries.

    1. Create a Statewide Use of Force Standard by 1/1/2022.
    2. Create a Statewide database of Prisoners for the Board of Elections regarding current residence.
    3. Standardize Death in Custody cases, investigations, forms, etc.
    4. Create a Task Force on Constitutional Rights and Remedies to “develop and propose policies and procedures to review and reform constitutional rights and remedies, including qualified immunity for Peace Officers. This Article is opening the door to future legislation and/or recommendations by the Task Force to eventually eliminate our qualified immunity protections.
    5. Eliminates Cash Bond, see 10 below. The bill has extensive language on factors for Bond, detention, etc. Essentially the Judges will need to clarify and justify why an arrestee was not released while awaiting trial.
    6. Increase Community Law Enforcement, provides funding and includes all first responders as well as training in addictive subjects, racial bias, working with communities, etc. (See Page 40 for the list). (Similar to our Consent Decree)
    7. Authorizes the Illinois Attorney General greater flexibility to investigate and bring Civil Rights actions by Government Authorities.
    8. Eliminates affidavit requirement for anonymous complaints, effective immediately, shall apply to any CBA entered after this date.
    9. Requires public notice for acquisition of surplus Military equipment.
    10. Creates an oversight board to collect pretrial data to assess all related info on pretrial arrestees and procedures.
    11. Provides further whistleblower protections for government workers.
    12. Permanent retention of Police misconduct records.
    13. Establish minimum mental health standards and screening for PPOs and Peace officers.
    14. Notification to the Illinois Police Training Board of any misconduct to maintain a statewide database.
    15. Require Crisis intervention training for all PPOs.
    16. Increase minimum statewide IST, similar to our current model under the consent decree.
    17. BWC statewide implementation, as well as reporting to state on usage.
    18. Standardized crime reporting to be completed monthly under the FBI reporting model.
    19. Monthly reporting on CIT and Use of Force incidents to the State.
    20. Anonymous Complaints permitted, the language is similar to the language issued by Arbitrator Roumell in our CBA.
    21. Notification to the State if Pretrial release of has been revoked.
    22. Restricts the SOS to suspend licenses for failure to pay fines associated with traffic.
    23. Use of Force language was introduced to have a standard statewide, a cursory review of the language seems similar to the CPD Use of Force language.
    24. Provides a Duty to Render Aid and Duty to Intervene.
    25. Law Enforcement Misconduct, (p.306 for details) described as failure to provide facts in an incident, withholding information, or failure to wear a BWC, Class 3 Felony.
    26. Issuance of Citations for traffic, Class B and Class C Misdemeanor offenses.
    27. Prisoners shall be permitted phone contact with Family and/or Attorney as soon as possible but no later than 3 hours after being taken into custody.
    28. Sentencing reductions for prisoners enrolled in self-improvement programs.
    29. Updates Victim compensation legislation.
    30. Corrections officer training requirements.
    31. Authorizes usurping the mandatory minimum sentencing.
    32. Establish Statewide Merit Board reviewing State Police hiring and promotions.
    33. Inclusion of Language regarding termination of law-enforcement and Disciplinary Data reports (p. 663).
    34. Establishment of Illinois Law Enforcement Certification Review Panel. (P. 676)
    35. Decertification of Law Enforcement officers, expands the decertification process for lesser crimes or violations while employed in other jurisdictions.
    36. Emergency orders of suspension of officer for arrests on felony charges. (p. 734)
    37. Officer Professional conduct database transparency requirements. (P. 744)

  2. The only exceptions [to not paying bail] would be defendants whom judges deem a risk to public safety or a risk to flee before trial.

    Uhhhhhh.. they now ALL are a risk to flee before trial.

  3. We need a wall to keep the Chitheads and the rest of the Illinois retards from fleeing their consequences.

    Already I’m seeing throngs of Illinois state tags in my area.

    You are not wanted.

  4. IMO (call me crazy) the Dems are hoping and trying to give American police/first responders guidelines like those used by law enforcement in Great Britain.
    Only special squads will carry firearms, suspects are to be treated with respect, officers will explain all actions to their superiors, etc. then those convicted will have light sentences, no matter their crime.
    The final aim: Only special police squads will carry firearms and the citizenry will be unarmed.

  5. D. Tim: Don’t you think that Democrat voters know by now not to believe anything a Democrat candidate says in order to get elected? They never told the truth before so why should they start now?

  6. “{The final version of the legislation, which sprawls across more than 750 pages, was introduced late Tuesday. Senators had about an hour to review the final legislation before voting on it.”

    Can’t wait to find out what’s hiding in it.

  7. Gin Blossom may have been joking about MS13 but it’s no joke. Chicago aldermen use gangs in their wards regularly for fund raising, volunteers at community events, getting people to the polls and for any other undocumented staffing need that arises. The aldermen aren’t obligated back to the gangs or anything so its all good.

    and the Red Line is a 20 mile long combined crime scene getaway car, but the mayor’s hair looks nice.

  8. Well, personally, I’d like to see St. Louis ceded to Illinois.
    And a wall put around it (Illinois, including St. Louis). Topped with concertina. 200 yd deep free-fire zone outside of the wall. Guards. Dogs (mean dogs – not poodles or wiener dogs).

    America needs to build quarantine zones around these infestations.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Cliche: I’ve been seeing them in my town for 15+ years, usually driven by someone who might not want to be seen by ICE. And a lot of temporary plates, too. And I’m on the other side of Indiana from Illinois.

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