“I’m going to run a vicious and ruthless campaign against Tim Kaine” – IOTW Report

“I’m going to run a vicious and ruthless campaign against Tim Kaine”

DC: Corey Stewart, the former Virginia state chairman for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, is running for office again just one month after nearly becoming the Republican nominee in Virginia’s gubernatorial race.


Now Stewart is running for the Senate against Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Tim Kaine.

Stewart lost the GOP gubernatorial primary in Virginia to Ed Gillespie by a little over a percentage point in June. The former Trump campaign operative ran a very Trumpian campaign in that race, earning a lot of attention for his support of Confederate monuments and strong stances against illegal immigration.

He plans on running on a similarly bellicose, anti-establishment message in his race against sitting Democratic Virginia Sen. Kaine in 2018.  MORE

11 Comments on “I’m going to run a vicious and ruthless campaign against Tim Kaine”

  1. It ought to be interesting. Don’t know much about either candidate except that it seemed that Kaine was a bit of a dick during the campaign and wasn’t a whole lot of help to the ticket.

  2. Virginia is very much like New York State.
    The majority of each state is Conservative, but the Dem population concentrated in a single city (NYC and the 5 NoVa Counties adjoining D.C.) tilts each state Democrat.

    Kaine depends on millions of Illegals voting for his 2% margin of victory. If they self-deport, the Dem majority in NoVa disappears.

    Don’t forget, in 2016 Hilary’s henchman Gov. McAuliffe brazenly violated the VA Constitution and the VA Supreme Court to illegally restore, by EO, the voting rights of between 60,000 and 100,000 convicted Felons. Just in time to vote for Hilary.

    Kaine’ s bizarre Joker-On-Bad-Meth performance in the VP Debate is how he comes across most of the time.
    His punk-pajama-boy son was also arrested for violence recently.
    The attack ads just write themselves.

  3. They’re running their finances into the ground now, and a good solid challenge will drain them further. It’s all good. Keep the pressure on until they collapse. Stupid has a sell by date, and they’ve exceeded it.

  4. Re: finances, Hilary alone burned through $2 Billion, not counting all her unreported foreign influence money.
    Hundreds of $Millions also squandered in unsuccessful Dem state and Congressional races.
    Bernie “burned” a lot of $3 Pajama Boy contributors as well.
    At some point, like all Socialism, you run out of other people’s money.

    Trump is fantastic for the stock market, for the Dollar, and for Wall Street generally.

    Lots of reasons for Wall Street donors to back Trump. And to back Trump’s downticket picjs.

  5. I like Stewart but the GOP won’t offer him any support. I will donate but I’m not sure he can raise enough to get his message out.

    This is what happened earlier this year :

    Like Jeb Bush in the Republican presidential campaign, Gillespie entered the race with massive advantages in spending, official endorsements, and name recognition. By contrast, Stewart attacked Gillespie online as a “cuckservative,” accused his opponent of treating “Donald Trump like he had typhoid,” and vowed to crackdown on immigrants and protect Confederate monuments if elected. It was quite a comeback: This fall, Stewart was fired from his position as Trump’s Virginia campaign chair after calling the RNC “establishment pukes” on Facebook.


  6. I first heard Corey make that announcement on the John Frederick’s radio show. I believe him. I think he still is a bit pissed at barely losing the nomination for Gov. He explicitly stated he is going to bash on the Son.

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