I’m Loving the Leftist Meltdown on SCOTUS – IOTW Report

I’m Loving the Leftist Meltdown on SCOTUS

This is my favorite meltdown.

Favorite tweet:


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57 Comments on I’m Loving the Leftist Meltdown on SCOTUS

  1. Some dumbass tweeted, “I wish this Kennedy had been shot, instead of the other ones.”

    Dude, he’d still need to be replaced, and nobody would be in the mood for any “centrist” radical proffered by Schumer or Flake. I know it’s hard to see that through your veil of tears Which is another reason you should put the gun down.

    It was a comedy writer for the Jim Jefferies Show on Comedy Central.

    Curtis Cook

    I wish this Kennedy had been shot instead of the other ones.

    – bfh

  2. I was just perusing the Dem Underground site again. These pathetic people truly exist in “the upside-down.” It’s stunning to read their perceptions of reality.

  3. And some clown from NPR named Elie Mystal releases his inner Jeremiah Wright. I’m gonna have to censor this one a little…

    “G-d damn this f—ing piece of shit country. And the piece of shit racists controlling ALL THREE branches of government.”

  4. The biggest news is the defunding of unions.

    Left wing organizations have been funded primarily by slush funds like that of the EPA or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Trump closed them down costing the left tens of millions.

    Now the go-to that donates 99% of their money to the democrat party AND the group that pays and buses in violent mobs is being defunded.

    Soros contributes a lot of money but nothing near the amount that the left has managed to steal from the taxpayers and through confiscation of corporate profits through “violation” of bogus regulations.

    This ruling is BIG. You will see fewer and fewer violent mobs and riots. Their money supply is drying up and the left will NOT spend their own money to support what they believe.

    Today was a game changer on two fronts – the decision and Kennedy’s retirement.

  5. You know who is really pissed? Ruth Buzzi. She was counting on Hillary to get elected and nominating her successor. She’s about 3 years older than Kennedy and knows she won’t last through Donald’s second term.

    Oh the horror!

    You miscalculated Roofie. Should have left during the muzzprez.

  6. 60 votes was the norm until Harry Reid executed the so-called “nuclear option” and ought the necessary votes to be a mole majority. Want to complain? Call Harry Reid.

  7. Trump is doing to them exactly what eight years of Obama did to us. They don’t like it shoved back down their throats. And what is it that they find so very distasteful? The constitution and it’s limitations.

  8. Travel ban upheld ✅
    Forced labor union support denied ✅
    Voter rolls purged ✅
    Pro life pregnancy support centers 1st A ✅
    No bake gay cake ✅
    Ryan amnesty bill fail ✅
    SCOTUS pick ✅
    Next on the agenda SCOTUS DACA fail ✅
    Heck, I’m running out steam ✅✅✅✅✅

    Liberals don’t know if they’re having an aneurysm or just arrived in hell. 😂😂 👹

    Ya know how we felt in ‘08 and ‘12? Yeah, it’s the polar opposite of that. Can’t stop grinning.
    Gotta rally to watch. My president will be in rare form tonight!

  9. I’d say Tingles Matthews was into the Vodka. I remember Steve Kornacki from the election night coverage. He was jumping up and down like an excited clown ‘splainin’ how Hillary was going to win. Assholes!

  10. Funny how when Harry Reid changed the rule to 50 we all knew the day would come where that decision would bite them in the a$$. Glad it is happening while he is still alive to see it and it is going to forever transform SCOTUS in a way he never imagined.

  11. If anyone wonders why he is retiring now, remember he was the Bush appointee who often sided with the leftists. He was their last chance at minimizing what they see as “conservative damage” to their cause. Imagine the death threats he was receiving the last few days because of his recent votes giving the majority to the conservatives.

  12. Hmmm. My first Mathews clip since 2008.

    That was some satisfying word salad. One or two more Trump wins and he’ll hit full synaptic shutdown.

    Hang on while I smoke a cig and imagine how that would go down….

  13. @mickey.

    At one point in history I would agree with you until Gowdy let slip his affinity for the deep state and the bigs at Justice and FBI. Not sure how he suddenly joined the “what the hell happened to that guy” club. But he’s not my guy.

  14. Such a great day to be a conservative. I went on some lefty websites earlier to indulge in some schadenfreude. It was amazing. They are highly demoralized. Many of them don’t even want to fight Trump’s new SC nomination. They don’t have a lot of fight in them right now.

  15. The Left hates 90% of the US Constitution as it was written and only wants to change it, or find ways to work around it, or twist its language all around to fit the way they’d like to see it be interpreted.

  16. All this winning + a solid conservative justice waiting in the wings to replace kennedy + Chris Matthews melting down … who DOESN’T feel a thrill going up their leg?

  17. The left is feeling the same downspiritedness as I felt back when Obama said something like “we live in the greatest country on earth. Won’t you help me change it?”

  18. How fortunate for the democrats. Now they can get another use out of their ‘pussy hats.’ After this week, they can put them on backwards and call them ‘pissy hats.’ If you see one with their hat on inside out, don’t go near them with out protective gloves, at least.
    Always happy to help here.

  19. The only GOP Senators democrats could hope of convincing to oppose will be those two cunts from Arizona, McLame and Flake. And they’ll only do it to fuck Trump, but if it’s a solid Justice nominee, even they will be pressured to come around. Meanwhile, democrats in close states like WV and MT will likely have to vote with the GOP for a center right nominee if they want any hope of winning re-election.

  20. i would like to nominate ME for the supreme court….no wait, i’m kinda old…

    okay, i want to nominate my firstborn son for the supreme court…he’s “only” 37, this august……don’t mistake this for a nomination of his younger silly socialist brother……

    i nominate (name withheld to protect the innocent) for the supreme court….

    President Trump…..contact me for more information….seriously, if you want a good supreme court judge….you need to recruit one FROM THE PEOPLE……not the elite…….

  21. anonymous- you don’t have to be a lawyer to be on the supreme court.
    “The Constitution does not specify qualifications for Justices such as age, education, profession, or native-born citizenship. A Justice does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate, but all Justices have been trained in the law.”


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