In A Battle of Wits, The Biden Administration Is Unarmed – IOTW Report

In A Battle of Wits, The Biden Administration Is Unarmed


The communist regime in Cuba — a U.S.-designated state sponsor of terrorism — tricked the outgoing administration of U.S. President Joe Biden into funding its repressive military through a “civilian” company that handles remittances sent to Cubans from abroad, El Nuevo Herald revealed on Tuesday.

The Castro regime’s scheme, in addition to funneling money illicitly to its military, allowed the communist regime to evade sanctions imposed by President-elect Donald Trump in 2020 on military-run companies that control remittances in Cuba, intended to prevent remittances from Cubans abroad from reaching the hands of the Cuban military.

According to leaked Cuban government documents reviewed by El Nuevo Herald, the Castro regime fooled the Biden administration through the creation of a new “independent” state company in 2022 to process remittances sent to Cuba through Western Union and Miami-based remittance agencies. In reality, the company is secretly run by the Cuban military, the Herald reported. More

9 Comments on In A Battle of Wits, The Biden Administration Is Unarmed

  1. This country is being run, primarily, by Jake Sullivan and Anthony Blinken. Two of the dumbest, weakest sonsabitches to ever walk the face of the earth. The occasionally check in with the Halfrican to reassure him that the destruction of our country is proceeding as planned.

  2. Yeah, I know it’s not on his top ten to-do list, but I’m hoping DOGE takes a good hard look at the efficacy and return on investment WRT foreign aid in general.

    Buying loyalty always seemed like a fool’s errand to me. Friendly nations should partner with us because of the ideals we stand for: free markets, the rule of law, a dedication to keeping all sea lanes open to all, stable currency, and the trade goods (including state-of-the-art weapons) that we can provide. We should not be paying foreign nations to do the right thing if they do not do those things on their own.

    And, it’s a huge drain on the pocketbooks of taxpayers.

  3. Japan comes in first place for holding the most U.S. debt of any country. And we send them foreign aide. We send China foreign aide. It’s a damn joke. I really hope trump stops all foreign aide. Including the Israelis.

  4. Yep – I support Israel, but they can do just fine without us handing them money.
    If the feds just stopped handing out money to, well, everything that moves (except for Americans in actual emergencies, apparently), then we would have a much better country. And the grievance folks with their hands held out – well they would quickly realize that their hands won’t get filled any more, and we would have a lot less grievance.

  5. This is the Biden rent-seeking regime we’re talking about. Our illustrious state department knew what was going on. There were grifts and kickbacks for sure. Our foreign service is just like the domestic government. Everybody comes out ten times wealthier than when they went in.

    Remember, these are the same assholes who said they were debilitated by Cuban mind rays. What a bunch of bald-faced, lying grifters. It will be interesting to see who PDT kicks out of our embassies, and who he replaces them with.


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