In the race to the bottom, who drops out first? – IOTW Report

In the race to the bottom, who drops out first?

Patriot Retort: The New Hampshire primary is today and the only question I have is this. In this race to the bottom, who drops out first: Elizabeth Warren or Joe Biden?

Over the weekend, @beyondreasdoubt asked that very question. And it was a toss-up.

15 Comments on In the race to the bottom, who drops out first?

  1. For the most part I despise the never Trumper Glen Beck. But I was driving home from Bible discipling tonight and he was on talk radio and i listened to him for the first time in years.

    He described the Democrat Party voters current situation as being like a woman trying on dozens of shoes at a store and leaving the store without buying. And beck called it by saying “and they’re all pumps and they all hurt”

  2. Close call….I’ll go with the Injun falling out first. I don’t believe she can stand the humiliation and (Like Dianne sez) she will blame it on a lack of penis and the cultural difficulties of thousands of years of white male oppression….

  3. Biden.
    He left town and is just going through the motions.
    One more primary to kick him in the teeth should do it.

    Lie-a-watha still had some energy when she addressed the media tonight. It will take quite a bit longer.

  4. Aaron… I was at the Springfield Goodwill today. Wow. The woman said, “It’s a Remo…”

    I said, “That’s the fucking head. It’s a Remo head. That’s not the fucking banjo.”

    She said, “It’s a 1400 dollar banjo!”

    I said, “Fuck no. Remo head. Chinese pieces of shit, the rest of it. The fucking back bridge is all fucked up. I mean fucked up.”

    She said, “75 dollars?”


  5. Will it really matter who drops first, they are both toast. The Lizard Queen will be the nominee so this is all Kabuki theater anyway.

    Joe was never serious about running, itโ€™s very obvious. He was pushed to run to legitimatize the Ukrainian shamoeachment scheme. Now that that has failed utterly and completely his desire to maintain the charade is rapidly fading.

    He will drop before Warren right after SC.

  6. Elizabeth Warren Claim of Sexual Harassment as Young Professor
    At the height of the #MeToo movement in 2017, Elizabeth Warren claimed[1] to have been sexually harassed as a young professor by an older, more senior professor. This claim was subsequently called into question.[2]

    The Boston Herald notes[3] that Warren had previously told the story in a โ€œmore light-hearted manner.โ€

    U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren reportedly switched up her account of sexual harassment that she relayed this weekend in a televised #MeToo testimonial from an earlier โ€œlight-heartedโ€ version.

    On Sunday, Warren described an unnamed senior professorโ€™s unwanted approach with alarm on NBCโ€™s โ€œMeet the Press,โ€ saying the man chased her around a desk while she said, โ€œโ€˜You donโ€™t want to do this. You donโ€™t want to do this. I have little children at home. Please donโ€™t do this.โ€™โ€

    Warren added, โ€œAnd at the same time, what was flickering through my brain is, โ€˜If he gets hold of me, Iโ€™m going to punch him right in the face.โ€™ โ€

    Warren said she eventually escaped the office and only told her best friend what had happened. She said she wondered what she did to โ€œbring this onโ€ and โ€œwore a lot of brownโ€ after the encounter.

    But the Boston Globe reported[4] last night that Warren recounted the same incident in a โ€œmore light-hearted mannerโ€ at a memorial service after the professorโ€™s death in 1997 โ€” an account the Globe noted was โ€œinconsistentโ€ with her story on Sunday.

    โ€œDuring the service after his death in 1997, Warren spoke fondly of law professor Eugene Smith and told the gathered mourners she was laughing as Smith chased her around his desk, according to a colleagueโ€™s memoir,โ€ the Globe reported.

    The author of the memoir, John Mixon, told the paper, โ€œI may have been wrong saying she was laughing,โ€ adding that he was writing about the service 15 years after the fact.

    The paper also noted that Warren failed to mention on โ€œMeet The Pressโ€ that Smith had polio.

    The Globe said Warren told the broadsheet yesterday she shared the story at the memorial service as a statement about Smithโ€™s authority.

    The memorial service at which Warren reportedly repeated her account of the incident was attended by Smithโ€™s ex-wife and his three children.[5]

    However, during her eulogy, Warren reportedly โ€œstunnedโ€ funeral attendees when she told what was meant to be a lighthearted story about Smith chasing her around his office.

    From WaPo:[6]

    โ€œWith a smile on her face and humor in her voice, Warren described how Smith had invited her to his office one day just a few months after she had been hired. He shut the door and lunged for her, she said, and as she protested, he chased her around his desk before she was able to escape out the door.โ€

    John Mixon, a former UH law professor, described the crowd as โ€œslack-jawedโ€ at the eulogy, and added that the story didnโ€™t even seem plausible given Smithโ€™s limited mobility due to the polio.

    โ€œTo have this image of him chasing her around the desk, it was just comical, and she told the story without rancor,โ€ Mixon said.

    Smithโ€™s ex-wife and three children were present at the funeral.


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