In Waning Hours of Obama’s Presidency He Sent 221 Million of our Tax Dollars to the Palestinian Authority – IOTW Report

In Waning Hours of Obama’s Presidency He Sent 221 Million of our Tax Dollars to the Palestinian Authority

In the Waning Hours of Obama’s Presidency He Sent 221 Million of our Tax Dollars to the Palestinian Authority—

but he’s not a Muslim. And he’s not an anti-Semite.

Sure he isn’t.

ht/ wait for it


23 Comments on In Waning Hours of Obama’s Presidency He Sent 221 Million of our Tax Dollars to the Palestinian Authority

  1. it never ceased to amaze me that Obola somehow had an endless supply of money to throw at ever leftard progtard cause or belief that came down the pike … yet, I hear all the time that Congress controls the Executive Branch purse strings … & who has been in control of Congress these last 6 years? ……… hmmmmmmmmm

  2. Wonder if those in control of the purse strings in Congress got a cut of this in exchange for not making a fuss.

    By the way, there’s a great photo of Trump and Bozo at the inauguration on

  3. The money was appropriated over the last couple of years. He’s authorized by the appropriation to disperse it, as long as he advises Congress. As far as this humble citizen understands the process. He’s just making sure they get it.

  4. Not a big believer in karma and other voodoo, but I believe that obama will face an ugly end. Hopefully by those he considers friendlies. Some muzzie who considers him an apostate will give him a big hug. Then slit him from his pee hole to his chin bone.

  5. sig94 JANUARY 23, 2017 AT 8:48 PM
    “Arafat is dead so at least the money won’t be spent on young boys and nose candy.”

    Happy thought, Thank You!

    For a giggle I think that Arafat is with Helen Thomas! LOL

  6. This should be the last of the billions of dollars that our country has wasted trying to buy off these crazy Islamic bastards. Let the word go forth from this day forward that a smarter generation has decided that you can’t buy friends or peace wherever Mohammedans are concerned. We could have rebuilt Detroit a dozen times for the money we have flushed down the Palestinian toilet trying to buy peace in this area. Of course, Detroit would have turned back into a hopeless case as long as the citizens of Detoilet want to be Democrat Plantation dwellers.

  7. 221 million dollars to the Filthy Mohammedan Savages running the Palestine Authority? Okay, you filthy goatfucking Satan-worshippers, in return we get to forcibly deport 22,100,000 illegal aliens and non-assimilated Filthy Mohammedan Savages from the USA and stuff them into that flyblown Third World Shithole y’all call Gaza. Cost is ten bucks a head. Works for me.

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