Insurrection, The Musical – IOTW Report

Insurrection, The Musical

Daily Dot

Sen. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) achieved the impossible on Thursday by bringing all Americans together. How did she manage to pull off this phenomenal feat? By commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Capitol riot with a song from the cast of the hit musical Hamilton. More

12 Comments on Insurrection, The Musical

  1. “Either way, the one-year anniversary of Jan. 6 has made it abundantly clear that this nation may be in serious trouble.”
    What a stupid statement. If it’s “Abundantly clear” it’s not a “may be”.

  2. Wonderful! The J6 Kommunist Kabuki Kommittee / Kangaroo Kourt of disinformation and Lying Leftist talking points is now a musical! I think they must be going for the Academy Awards as Best Actors in a Comedy! These Masters of Distraction do NOT want you paying any attention to THEIR unmitigated disasters of the border crisis, the Pakistan mess, the Afghanistan debacle, the Russian Ukraine situation, Chinese saber-rattling, skyrocketing energy prices, the racist indoctrination of your kids, the dismemberment of the Military, the loss of liberty, skyrocketing violent crime statistics in democRAT-run big city Shit Holes, a jacked up supply chain, a total joke for an immigration process and a completely failed COVID program! They’re doing their level best to destroy the nation while their demented figurehead, Jackass Joe, is a complete and utter failure as a “President” who sits at a formica typing table in an artificial Playskool “White House” set to address the nation! Could ANYTHING possibly be more disgusting and phony than these deceitful, disingenuous, crooked Commie bastards?

  3. There are all the ingredients for a good drama, lots of antagonist and protagonist to go around whatever cast of characters one would want to use. Focus on the operatives who made the breach possible and you’ve got your villains to make a great tragedy. Focus on the 1/6 committee and you’ve got a great bunch for a comedy. The script and songs nearly write themselves from their own dialogue and their behavior demands to be parodied.


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