Investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering – IOTW Report

Investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering

Georgia Record: Fani Willis’s involvement will be sure to send shockwaves through the political landscape.

The investigation, which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions, has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic and the rule of law. Sources close to the matter suggest that Willis was a massive beneficiary in the Federal and Georgia RICO enterprises. It appears that she is currently playing a key role in orchestrating a systematic scheme to manipulate election outcomes, casting doubt on the integrity of the entire electoral process.

In the lead up to the 2022 midterm elections, my team uncovered a massive money laundering network of campaign finance contributions being made via ActBlue. One of the top beneficiaries of this money laundering RICO enterprise was none other than Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock. The Gateway Pundit was the first news organization to cover the massive money laundering network that financed the Raphael Warnock campaign.

As our investigation progressed, we expanded our efforts into other states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state.

Working with the Epoch Times investigative journalist Steven Kovac, we made a stunning find. Many of the top ActBlue “Contributors” never made the individual contributions. Many of these “Not Employed Individual Contributors” were the victims of a highly sophisticated money laundering scheme. more

17 Comments on Investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fani Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering

  1. OT. Last night I happened to catch a short segment about Fani Willis on NBC Lester Dolt. The gal reporting pronounced Fani as Foni. I shit you not. They even have to change the pronunciation. I guess Fani is TOO derogatory so let’s change it.

  2. Much like, if a man says something in the forest and there is no woman present to hear him, is he still wrong? Criminality, no matter how severe, premeditated or sinister, will avoid retribution if there is no prosecutor to bring a complaint. The other side owns the legal system, hence, no satisfaction will be had.

  3. Not surprised if there is cross over coordination with the fraud group found in MI.
    Brain dead pedophile was right when he said they put together the largest voter fraud in history.
    First time the A-hole wasn’t lying.

  4. I prefer the traditional definition of Fanny… for the ass that she is!
    Inquiring minds want to know: If Fanni Farmer wuz still around today would she have to be cancelled???


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