Iowa judge’s ruling hands Trump campaign early win on mail-in ballots – IOTW Report

Iowa judge’s ruling hands Trump campaign early win on mail-in ballots

Court invalidates 50,000 absentee ballot applications that were pre-filled by election official.

Miller has been ordered to void the original ballot requests and inform voters in writing they must process new absentee ballots or show up to the polls to vote in person.

8 Comments on Iowa judge’s ruling hands Trump campaign early win on mail-in ballots

  1. That’s even if joey can get it up anymore. There’s not enough Viagra available for that. Maybe he could invite slick willie over to his basement for a little rest and relaxation.

  2. so? … he pre-filled in the information. don’t the voters have to fill it in anyhow?
    (playing devil’s advocate here … I’m glad some judges are trying to stop this crap)

    you mail in a ballot, you give up your right to a secret vote … someone has to verify that it was you that voted …. & whom you voted for
    when we are eventually required to mail in ballots, those of us that don’t vote ‘accordingly’ will be punished …. guaranteed

  3. Here’s a simple solution to the voting by mail problem: Stretch the voting period to 3 or 4 days, even Sat or Sun. This should eliminate any health issues associated with long lines, decrease bad weather issues, thereby increasing in person voter turnout and minimizing potential for fraud.


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