Is Barack Obama secretly a white person like Rachel Dolezal? – IOTW Report

Is Barack Obama secretly a white person like Rachel Dolezal?

AmericanThinker– Now that we know that race is a state of mind, rather than a genetic inheritance, the question must be asked: is Barack Obama secretly a white man?  Perhaps, like Rachel Dolezal, he tells people that he is black, but he is actually white.

Again, black is an attitude, a state of mind.  Sure, it helps if you braid your hair into long ropes and tie it on top of your head like Dolezal did, or have an afro during your pot- and cocaine-using days like Obama.  But what really counts is what is going on inside your mind.  And what goes on inside Obama’s mind is…white.

1) Obama cares about illegal aliens.  Blacks disapprove of illegal aliens, because they take jobs that blacks in fact will do.

– 48% of African-Americans believe they would have more jobs if there were fewer immigrants.

– 64% believe immigrants outwork blacks at low-wage jobs.


11 Comments on Is Barack Obama secretly a white person like Rachel Dolezal?

  1. preezy downlow’s more Arab decent, his ancestors were on “the business side” of the slave trade

    pretty ironic that 99.9% of blacks voted for the politician whose ancestors sold their ancestors into slavery

  2. 0bama has lived ‘black’ about as much as I’ve lived ‘black’ meaning not at all.

    He’s never lived ‘Teh Shtruggle’ ever. He ain’t from the hood. He didn’t grow up in the hood. He grew up in Indonesia. He was mentored by a communist and a terrorist. He claimed to be a Kenyan black, not ghetto black.

    He’s a phony and the black people know it had have known it.

    They voted for him like they did because he’s black, because even though he is phony he’s black and that’s all that matters. They’d vote for him a third time even with this amnesty crap.

    Because he’s black, even if he isn’t really.

  3. I think 0bama is secretly a dog without an anus – each day he grows more and more full of shit.

    * Great to see this site, our free speech outlet, up and running again.

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