Is It “Un-American” To Want Lindsey Vonn To Lose? – IOTW Report

Is It “Un-American” To Want Lindsey Vonn To Lose?

Olympic downhill skier, Lindsey Vonn made herself the center of contention in December when she boldly declared she’d pass on visiting the White House if she won Gold in PyeongChang. Having come in a disappointing 6th place in Super-G on Friday, Ms. Vonn received a flood of tweets expressing disappointment in her and her performance.

The MSM was busy overnight attempting to assist Lindsey in saving her public persona by running stories of her brave reply back to all the trolls.  Now Yahoo! Sports is trying to tell us it’s “un-American” to root against Lindsey Vonn this Tuesday when she gets another chance to represent The United States in the Olympics. Here





46 Comments on Is It “Un-American” To Want Lindsey Vonn To Lose?

  1. If she wins a medal, I hope she goes to see Obumbles, in protest.

    They can both be beaming – smiling – as the camera slowly zooms in. Breathlessly, she can pant to him (in her best Flounder voice) – “Isn’t this GREAT?!”

    And Obama can smile and say…

    You didn’t build/win/earn that. 😆

  2. Im not sure what the athletes expect ( and the fawning F’ing NBC press that breathlessly supports them) when the athletes travel to a foreign country, disparage the US president & VP, all while REPRESENTING America and wearing our colors? So WHO is the UN-AMERICAN here?

  3. These AHoles have been rooting for America to lose to another country since the Korean war.
    And until Trump won they have been rooting for America to lose to Russia specifically.

  4. You know what is VERY American? Me telling Lindsey and that Shani Davis fuckhead both to eat a fat dick and shut the fuck up. Davis should have been sent the fuck home. You’re both assholes and just because you made an Olympic team doing some silly shit that people care about hardly ever, doesn’t mean we have to tolerate the fact you are shitty people regardless of the puff piece NBC puts together while slobbering broadcasters stroke your ego.

  5. PS
    I am aware that she has cuckolded her husband with dozens of —, the most famous being Tiger. But, I admit she is pretty’ but I would not f— her with you peter!

  6. I was rooting for Vonn and the two figure skaters to all lose. They are not proud to represent our country and look for personal glory. And endorsements. If any of them endorse a product I will boycott that product too.

  7. If she fails, she’ll blame all the haters for her loss. Isn’t that what liberals do? She’s already on my $hit list so it matters not to me. Besides I don’t want her skanky ass in the White House.

  8. What the smug, liberal Yahoo columnist will never understand is that millions of patriotic supporters of the president were just minding our own business here when this woman insulted US. SHE is the hate-filled, bigoted imbecile. Love the way he sees himself as fair and opened minded while branding anyone not marching in lockstep as “wanting white, straight athletes.”
    I’d remind him that in this case, it’s the Flaming Skater who’s the intolerant bigot – hellbent on insulting half the country and regurgitating moronic tall tales of Mike Pence administering shock therapy to gays. Ironically, Flaming Skater could probably benefit from shock therapy – and it’s got nothing to do with his sexual preference.
    Do what I do: pay no attention at all to this Olympic nonsense. “Look! The woman is in 6th place skiing down a hill on the other side of the world! Isn’t that important?!”
    Who gives a $hit?

  9. If you are raised in the USA, have benefitted from your life in the USA, and are fortunate enough to represent the USA, you are an ungrateful person if you bring politics into the venue. If you are sincere regarding your political views, run for office. If what you beleive is a majorit thought, you can make changes. Otherwise, shut -the-fuck-up.

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