Is Joe Biden Suggesting He Will Die In His First Term? – IOTW Report

Is Joe Biden Suggesting He Will Die In His First Term?

LMAO! Is Trump paying this guy to run against him??? Biden Admits his VP Must be Able to be President Because he’s an “Old Guy.”

Well, at least he’s being honest.

Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden admitted that his vice presidential running mate must be able to handle becoming President because he is “an old guy.”

On the campaign trail in Iowa, Biden said yesterday, “I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of color, that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,” Biden said.Advertisement

“But for me, it has to be demonstrated that whoever I pick is two things: One, he’s capable of immediately being a president because I’m an old guy,” he said, prompting laughter from the audience.

Biden went on to claim he was obviously in excellent health and told attendees that he works out every day. More

20 Comments on Is Joe Biden Suggesting He Will Die In His First Term?

  1. “I can think of at least eight women, at least four or five people of color, that I think are totally qualified to be vice president of the United States,” Biden said. He’s toast. He forgot the trannies.

  2. …see, Hillary offered her assasin network to take care of Ukrainian prosecuters and strippers and Attorneys General and such, BUT she’ll save his FAMILY only if he sacrifices HIMSELF by making her Vice President, then dying in some way that frames the Trumps. She’ll let him get sworn in, but then he has to send his Secret Service detail away and tell them to take the camera system down, for maintenance, you see…

    …it’s REALLY an old tradition. The Romans called it “offering the dagger”. If you pissed off the Emperor, he COULD kill you, but for political reasons, he preferred you did it YOURSELF. So the soldiers would come, and you’d be given a dagger, and told that if you USED it, your children would be allowed to live and get to keep your title and property…but if you refused, everyone dies and they take all your stuff.

    …Hillary INVENTED this, but she was calling herself Livia then and was Empress of Rome.

    …she’s older than you THINK.

    …a LOT older.

    …as old as Evil itself…

  3. Joe Biden and the DNC are like a used car dealer with a repair department run by morons who use parts that don’t even fit the cars they claim to repair!

    Or may be an automobile junkyard where old dead or dying parts are lying around hoping someone want to use. They’re all JUNK.

  4. “Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden admitted that his vice presidential running mate must be able to handle becoming President
    -because he is “an old guy.”
    -and because he is “likely to face criminal charges.”
    -and because he is “someone Hillary would like to silence.”
    -and because he is “stupid enough to harm himself.”

  5. I once thought that Joe would die in Obama’s first term, and ValJar would be VP.

    But seriously, Joe…If you’re going to die in your first term, why take the chance? Just don’t run, and live forever.

  6. Putting the cart before the horse Eh Joe?

    I really want to see Trump rip the nominee to shreds but can’t see him surviving all the Hunter/corruption bad press.

  7. Joey is being protected by the DNC.
    As long as he is running for president, he is protected from all he’s done.
    When he goes down, Obumfuq and Hillary go down as well.


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