Is Kamala Going to be the Patsy for “Cocainegate”? – IOTW Report

Is Kamala Going to be the Patsy for “Cocainegate”?

American Thinker

As more anonymous leaks muddy the waters on where the cocaine was found in the White House, one thing becomes clear: Biden’s handlers are divided on how to handle the scandal that now deserves the moniker “Cocainegate.” It’s panic time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The most intriguing leak went to NBC News, always willing to broadcast propaganda meant to guard the interests of the ruling class. Host Andrea Mitchell and White House correspondent Kelly O’Donnell casually let drop a shot across the bow of VP Kamala Harris — whose unpopularity is a  huge problem for Dems worried about maintaining control of the Executive Branch — implying that the latest version of where the coke was found, in a cubby near an entrance to the West Wing, is also near where the Vice President parks More

36 Comments on Is Kamala Going to be the Patsy for “Cocainegate”?

  1. The logic makes sense. Pin it on the affirmative action pole smoker, force her resignation, name the VP successor (my guess is Newsome), let that ride until he is able to avoid the Connstitutional rule that dictates how long a successor to the Presidency is eligible to serve upon re-election, dismiss Biden in one way or another (my bet is on a tragic familial accident where all Bidens disappear…no loose ends ya know) and ensure that Newsome is President for the next 8 years.

    But what do I know? I’m just a redneck living in L.A. (that’s Lower Alabama to the uninformed).

  2. My guess is that they’ll pin it on Hunter, but only after he’s dead. SADS, of course, tragic and unexpected infarction. They’ll blame us, of course, for all the stress we’ve caused the poor guy. A lot of the familial stain will be washed away by the crocodile tears of all those who hated having to deal with him in order to get in on the graft.

  3. Speculation doesn’t really matter, does it?
    We have abandoned our country to a pack of traitors.
    We let America rot while we slept.
    We’ll be shipped off to the asparagus farms in Alaska and won’t have to be troubled by that old Constitutional/America/Republic bullshit.

    The fact that ANY (Biden, Harris, Obola, &c.) of them infests the White House should be a source of shame for every American – but we say “Huh! Stole another election – ain’t that sumptin?”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I’m pretty sure that The Kackler is not above doing coke, but my bet is on Hunter first, Jackass Joe second. You figure they got that grinning imbecile jacked up on somethin!!

  5. It is already past the time where a VP taking office could run twice. That point is two years into the term of the original President. We are past that.

    Kamala should have known that the real reason she got her job was to be the patsy if any uncontrollable scandal were to happen. BTW, can we now let Patsy off the hook and start using the term “kamala” instead?

    I don’t see what they are worried about, though. The cocaine was found in a very public area behind locked gates and armed guards. Anyone could have left it there.

    To think that Nixon resigned for lying to the American public.

  6. @Uncle Al

    Ignoring the Biden’s self-preservation tendencies, that’s a very plausible scenario as well. Afterall, if I’m not mistaken, Hunter is not Jill’s son. She would have no compunction in eliminating a hindrance to her graft. She’s proven that with what she is allowing to be done to Joe.

    Nice!!👍 I like your angle as well.

  7. @Tim – FJB

    Whilst I agree with all of your sentiments whole-heartedly, what else is left for the average person to do? Sure a mass killing spree of the higher ups is warranted, but that takes resources.

    So I ask you this…should we not exercise the rights that have been enumerated in the Bill of Rights while they still exist? Chances are, when the shit goes down, a lot of us won’t survive. That’s just the laws of probability at play…nothing anybody can do. So if we don’t exercise said rights, what exactly are we “fighting” for? We may as well do our best impersonation of Tiny Tim….”Please sir, may I have another?” For that matter, this site and all those like it should just shut down, because there would be no point.

    Just askin’

  8. JB_Honeydew,
    I don’t know. I really don’t know.
    My faith tells me that it’s all in God’s hands and that we must stay true – regardless of where that leads us.
    If God wants us to fight – we’ll fight.
    If God wants us to get into the cattle cars – we get into the cattle cars.

    My problem is God’s silence – there doesn’t appear to be any Old Testament-type prophets around to give us His word.
    And I’m pretty sure that God sees us as a technologically-advanced Sodom and Gomorrah. We REALLY have stepped over the precipice.

    I guess we’ll see.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. @Tim – FJB

    I can respect and admire that position.

    Chances are my faith and yours are basically the same. They just exist on a slightly different plane. Based on our mutually assumed faith, we were created in God’s image. And our God is a vengeful god. Would it not stand to reason that it’s perhaps our duty to fight (and exact vengance) wherever and however we can? The modern battlefield is not only physical, but it is intellectual…requiring a higher brain function…a unique gift given to Homo sapiens, wouldn’t you say?

    In His infinite wisdom, would He not have predicted a push-back? I think he would. He wasn’t exactly shy about royally fucking shit up when He was pissed.

    I think that by not reacting in some fashion we are turning our backs on Him even further than has already been done. Free will wasn’t given for its predictability.

    Blessings to you and yours. 🙂

  10. We’re talking about democrats, people.

    No one will be found at fault if it is (internally) found to be a democrat’s coke. They will more than likely pin it on a Trump supporter if someone is to take the fall.

  11. JB_Honeydew,
    I agree with you wholeheartedly. We must RESIST Satanism wherever we find it.
    I’m not advocating a purely cerebral resistance – but an active resistance.
    How far that should go, I have no idea.

    Is it contrary to God’s law to kill malefactors?
    Ezekiel told the Jews that God didn’t want them to resist the Babylonians because the Babylonian King was God’s instrument to punish the idolaters and perverts in Judah and Israel.

    I don’t recall Jesus telling His disciples to kill the evil people they encounter (I’m not a Bible scholar, by any stretch).

    I assume (wrongly perhaps) that what God wants us to do will be made clear.

    At present, we (the few remaining Americans) have NO organization, NO armor, NO artillery, NO air supremacy, FEW communications, and very little room to maneuver – which puts us at a distinct disadvantage.

    A small beginning may be to quit allowing “them” to dominate the narrative – call things what they are – not what the perverts, nihilistic totalitarians, nazis, communists, izlamists, and other assorted malevolent spirits demand – and even that tiny resistance would raise a hue and a cry.

    Blessings to you and yours, as well.
    May God have mercy on us all.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  12. Cokegate. Give everyone drug tests, including all government employees. Representatives, Senators, aids… EVERYONE!
    Oh, hell no,hell no. Spot check drug tests, no warnings. Hell no, hell no.

  13. @Tim-FJB

    IMO we can succeed in a bloody war with the Federal Gov’t and its State Gov’t lackeys only if we have a large percentage of active, NG, reserves, veterans, and local police involved in a fight to save our freedoms. The Confederate States had this (Gen’l Lee, Jackson, etc.) and damned near won. Having a huge amount of military personnel and equipment on our side is the only way conservatives hope to win an actual civil war.

  14. Like Fredo, Humper is stupid, worthless, and a coward but he knew all the evils the family had done. That’s why Fredo caught a bullet. Interesting that Fredo was kept as a prisoner in Mike’s compound nes pa?

    The Pedo will toss Commiela into the row boat before Fredo Humper. Thus the “next to the VPs car” trial balloon.

    I hope she goes ballistic and burns the WH down around his nasty ass, but since Dougie and Dorktor Jill are banging that might be complicated.

    Regardless the whole sordid mess is glorious to witness. They are good and hoisted on the Fredo Humper petard.

    Notice the DOJ is now delaying the plea deal? They are terrified of a court supervised drug test.

    Oh Humper you degenerate sack of shit, you are just priceless. Hopefully you will get the perveted fossil to finally stroke out once and for all.

    We can only hope…


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