Is Walker In Trouble In Dairyland? – IOTW Report

Is Walker In Trouble In Dairyland?

Recent polling by NBC/Marist has Governor Scott Walker 13 points behind yet to be nominated Dem Tony Evers, Wisconsin’s Superintendent of Public Instruction. The Democrat primary is set for August 14th and numerous polls show Evers the clear favorite over a crowded field of hopefuls.

Allahpundit at Hot Air, questions the validity of the NBC/Marist poll.   More


10 Comments on Is Walker In Trouble In Dairyland?

  1. There’s something stinky about the Superintendent of Public Education polling so far ahead of everyone else and it smells like an over sampling of teacher’s union diehards

  2. I don’t think there’s much chance to see things turn this time considering how well we’ve been doing in WI the last years under Walker. Not that things can’t go strangely south, but the state showed it’s no longer in the back pocket of public sector unions, so I can’t see how pushing a diehard union dipshit is going to shake things up.


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