ISIS claims responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow – IOTW Report

ISIS claims responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow

BREAKING: ISIS claims responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow. President Vladimir Putin has not yet made a public statement about the attack on Crocus City Hall. The U.S. seemed to have knowledge that an attack was coming considering on March 7th, the U.S. warned that “extremists” could target concerts. The concert hall that was attacked happened to be where Trump held the Miss Universe pageant in 2013. More than 40 people are dead and more than 100 are injured. @CollinRugg

ISIS, eh? Sounds like somebody’s using them to Cover Its Ass.

19 Comments on ISIS claims responsibility for the terror attack in Moscow

  1. Who ever it was, we had the intel. I wonder if we shared it with the Russians. If not we’re the bad guys again. The Ruskies have warned us several times over the years of attacks. And we’ve done the same for them. I wonder it the hatred of Orange Man Bad wrecked that?

  2. Brad, CCN (Cawksuckers)

    are claiming that the US warned YThe ruskies.

    1) If it is the Ukes, the russian gloves come off & lets hope we don’t get WW3

    2) If it is the Mu33ies, that might be the “walk back” to call a Ceasefire that everybody except Victoria Newland/Clinton/Barky/Biden/WEF wants

    One way or another, WE will ALL pay for it with $$$$.

  3. Kcir

    There’s some footage of the capture of one of the shooters. It’s dark, a little grainy, but that boy sure doesn’t look muzzie. If the Ukes just pulled this shit I believe public sentiment will turn on them in a big way.

  4. “U.S. seemed to have knowledge that an attack was coming”
    More likely the U.S. planned the attack on behalf of the NWO.

    What ever happened to the $85 BILLION left in Afghanistan?
    Surely some of the equipment had GPS. But nobody seems to be looking, so they must already know.

  5. Ah here it is:

    “It is because it is believed that the prophet dyed his beard using henna, so they want to emulate him. It’s considered a sunna or a good thing to imitate the prophet and live like him.”

    Black dye is not allowed.

  6. ISIS, Hamas, Houtis et al. seem to hate everybody except a few Arabs. That’s if they are responsible for the Moscow atrocity, and not Ukraine.

    Knowing the truth is way beyond my abilities to determine anymore. Except the truth that Biden is without doubt fucked-up along with a great deal of our Fed, gov’t.

    Does that resonate?

  7. If it’s anything like NordStream, USUK will claim Russia false-flagged the attack on themselves, until Germany assures the world that it was some Ukrainians whodunnit, because Germany will be hearing it from their own muslim hordes and will decide that it’s better to accurately blame Ukraine. Because Ukraine is already getting its ass pounded, what’s one more provocation?

    Seriously, though, the CIA/MI6 using ISIS to scapegoat Muslims for this attack will turn out to be foolhardy and counterproductive at best. If they expect Russia to lash out blindly at muslims, they’ll be sorely disappointed. Especially when Russia unexpectedly wipes out a couple of USUK spy hives instead.

    The West has been sniffing its own farts in the assessment of Russia for years, and this murderous caper in Moscow is just more proof that our IC geniuses have no clue what they’re doing, no restraint in doing it and no regard for the consequences.

  8. There are definitely light skinned Muslims in that part of the world. There are even light skinned Arabs, known as Circassians. And they happen to reside in Northern Syria

    Remember the scene in Lawrence of Arabia, where the Turkish officer asks Lawrence if he is Circassian? Apparently, he needed to know the nationality of the person he was intending to bone up the wazoo later that evening


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