Islamic scholar gives ‘Queers for Palestine’ crowd a reality check – IOTW Report

Islamic scholar gives ‘Queers for Palestine’ crowd a reality check

BPR: Nothing quite underscores the “woke” left’s disconnect with reality than the idea that Islamist attitudes toward homosexuality will be put aside to unify against a common oppressor.

With massive organized demonstrations taking place to demand that Israel call off the dogs in its war on the Hamas terror organization, there has been a conspicuous presence of signs reading “Queers for Palestine” at protests even though the lifestyle is explicitly condemned in Muslim countries where there is a history of throwing gay people off of buildings among other punishments.

The left-wing concept of “intersectionality” which theoretically means that disparate “oppressed” groups will unite against a political foe – in this case, Israel – is being put to the test in the Middle East conflict where America’s left-wing Jew haters may have a tough time selling their domestic products in markets where Allah is the ultimate authority.

In the message from an Islamic scholar at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, the message couldn’t be more clear for the western degenerates. more

8 Comments on Islamic scholar gives ‘Queers for Palestine’ crowd a reality check

  1. These misfits from the Island of Busted-Ass toyz hate Jews because they hate themselves… just like they hate White people, straight people, conservatives, etc.
    Aaaaaaaaand muzlims hate gays.
    Notice the common theme… Hatred.

  2. I’ve grown weary of the professional morons. These people are stupid beyond repair. I’d like to help the islamists once they emerge from their lairs. Lighted signs pointing to liberal households. Gun free COEXIST easy marks live here.

  3. Only way these people get a “reality check” is when their islamic buddies give them a free surprise rooftop tour, blind-fold and all. They will realize their error, not on their last step, but 3 seconds after it.
    Giving them another 2 seconds to regret before the splat.
    So no, they didn’t get a reality check.


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