Istanbul airport attack: 36 dead and 147 wounded in suspected ALLAH ATTACKS in Turkey – IOTW Report

Istanbul airport attack: 36 dead and 147 wounded in suspected ALLAH ATTACKS in Turkey


  • Three suicide bombers strike Istanbul Ataturk airport
  • Turkish PM: 36 dead. Justice minister says 147 injured
  • Police reportedly believe Isil was behind attack
  • Officers shot at suspects in international arrivals hall
  • Fourth suicide bombing in Turkey this year
  • Third busiest airport in Europe, high security location

31 Comments on Istanbul airport attack: 36 dead and 147 wounded in suspected ALLAH ATTACKS in Turkey

  1. Looks like we are going to have an election over terrorism and immigration vs. free shit as Hillary today proposed waiving student debt during her visit to Denver today. Scary to think of what might win next November.

  2. Ramalamadingdong bombathon.

    The great Sultan President Tayyip Erdogan has been aiding ISIS for 2 years. Odd that his Pisslamist buddies would turn on him. Of course it was Ataturk Airport. Got to get rid of all vestiges of the man who dragged Turkey out of the Ottoman Empire. Guess they will need to build a new airport and call it Sultan Erdogan Airport.

    Allahu Fubar!

  3. End of Ramadan is 5th of July. Obama’s got an eye on the most dangerous threats though. Tea Party and Christians don’t stand a chance of hitting us on Indepedence Day.

  4. They need to keep playing the clip where the hapless, wounded goat-fucker blows his own ass up, and finale, where a burnt hunk of him comes down, SPLATTT on the floor.

    Want to join these losers? This is what awaits.

  5. @charlie walksonwater:

    LMFAO! I guess I’m not very imaginative, because I always thought of cucumbers as LESBIAN sex toys!

    There was a fantastic produce store in Brooklyn. I used to stop there every day after work for maximum freshness and get what I needed for dinner. One day all I needed was a cucumber. My friend razzed me all the way home: “A single woman walks into a produce store and buys only a cucumber. What is the cashier to think?” And I was like, “Two assholes walk into a bar, and I shot them both!”

    Always a girl of propriety, I would always buy something else, even if it was something I didn’t truly need, rather than buy just a cucumber.

  6. @Greetingsfromyonkers – I never thought about a cucumber being a sex toy until I heard someone make a remark about it a few years ago. Now every time I buy a cucumber when I’m grocery shopping I feel nervous because I imagine everyone around me thinking about cucumbers as sex toys.

  7. Ataturk International Airport, like Brussels Airport which was attacked earlier this year, is a symbol of international connections and the ties that bind us together. Our deepest condolences go out to the families and loved ones of those killed, and we wish a speedy recovery to those injured.

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