It Is Federal Law Today, “There Should Be 700 Miles Of Double-Layer Fencing” On The Border – IOTW Report

It Is Federal Law Today, “There Should Be 700 Miles Of Double-Layer Fencing” On The Border

cruz hannity border discussion

 I think we need to solve this problem one step at a time, you don’t have to solve everything all at once, that is the fallacy of “comprehensive reform.”

We need to start with actually securing the borders…

More, with video, at Tammy Bruce

16 Comments on It Is Federal Law Today, “There Should Be 700 Miles Of Double-Layer Fencing” On The Border

  1. About the bank bailouts, Ted Cruz: “No…There will be no bailouts for the rich and powerful”

    I must have missed that answer from Cruz during the debate. I had to mute the TV when Kasich ran his diarrhoea mouth off during the zillion times he interrupted.

  2. Listen kids, the Rio Grande is almost 1900 miles long measured from El Paso to the Gulf of Mexico. Where exactly is this 700 miles to be built? Arizona? New Mexico? The dirty little secret is that 40-60% come through the big beautiful doors. Walls is not the answer. Yes, we need walls or fences in hot spots, but that alone is not the answer. We need to enforce our current laws and add new ones with bi-partisan support unless we get a super majority in both houses of congress, and that shite ain’t gonna happen. I don’t get impressed with somebody that says “I’ll do it” and never goes to specifics. I like Trump, but what he is doing is feeding of the masses anger rather than actually working towards solutions. Please be practical folks! Don’t fall for bumper sticker rhetoric, but look at reality.

  3. 70 foot high 4 foot thick cement & rebar rounded outward-leaning wall across the whole Southern border, with a cute little gift shop built in the middle. 100 yard state-side moat filled with gators galore.

  4. Okay. So, if it’s the law already, why isn’t it there now? Because we’ve been told only about a gazillion times that it needs more debate, more conversations, more bipartisanship. Phooey. Kablooey.

    The reason Trump’s wall is appealing is because we’ve got an outsider who is dang serious about sealing off the border come hell or high water. This voter does not care how it is built, how high, how long, how thick. I only care that there is finally someone who speaks up for me and is mad about illegal immigration as I am. And I know — I know in my guts — that if he doesn’t accomplish anything else, he will stop the undeclared war against my country by marauding hoards who are up to no good and have a plan in place to take full advantage of how messed up our system of justice is.

  5. The 700 miles refers to the CA-NM border. Most of it already has some (a lot ineffectual) fencing of some kind. The Texas border is mostly open but the river is a vehicle barrier and illegal immigrants have to walk at least to the nearest road.

    Eventually all the border will have to have some kind of barrier and sensor system. Closer to populated areas, a double or triple razor wire fence is needed as well as inland immigration and jobs enforcement.

    I would start by banning money transfers to Mexico and Latin Am and offering rewards for turning in illegals at work. That will take care of 80% of the problem before building one mile of barrier and the fines could be used to build out the wall.

    Border fence construction status 2009:

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