Italy: Authorities fire across bow of Tunisian boat accused of aiding illegal migration after it rams Italian ship – IOTW Report

Italy: Authorities fire across bow of Tunisian boat accused of aiding illegal migration after it rams Italian ship

Expect more of these kind of incidents.

Jihad Watch: When Islamic supremacists encounter no resistance, they become more aggressive. The Leftist coalition Italian government has enabled the entry of large numbers of illegal Muslim migrants, and we have already seen the consequent aggressiveness on several occasions. In mid-August, a group of Muslim migrants revolted aboard an Italian coronavirus quarantine ship. And a week ago, 124 migrants leaped from an NGO migrant ship to reach Sicily in a hurry “after the crew waited 10 days for authorisation to disembark their passengers.” more

11 Comments on Italy: Authorities fire across bow of Tunisian boat accused of aiding illegal migration after it rams Italian ship

  1. @RadioMattM — I don’t know much about maritime law, but I hope that being rammed is equivalent to being assaulted with a deadly weapon on land. So, yes! Shoot to stop the threat; shoot below the waterline if that’s what it takes.

  2. Boy, that EU thing sure was a good idea, ha?
    They’re in Algeria/Libya’s ass crack. Why don’t they just go back through and head deeper into Africa?

    Why doesn’t Tunisia sell themselves back to France?


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