Italy: Salvini goes on trial for preventing migrants from entering, says ‘I will plead guilty to defending Italy’ – IOTW Report

Italy: Salvini goes on trial for preventing migrants from entering, says ‘I will plead guilty to defending Italy’

Jihad Watch:

Salvini says, “I will plead guilty to defending Italy and the Italians.”

He is right. The very idea of charging him with kidnapping for preventing migrants from entering Italy is absurd. The globalist Leftists who have put him on trial don’t care about Italy or the Italians. They don’t want Italy to defend itself against the mass Muslim migrant influx that has seen a spike in crime, including jihad terror activity, all over Europe. Salvini is the only one standing in the breach. If he goes, Italy goes. more here

And more here from RT.

3 Comments on Italy: Salvini goes on trial for preventing migrants from entering, says ‘I will plead guilty to defending Italy’

  1. Are the Italian “authorities” who are putting Salvini on trial aware that their own ships are firing upon “migrant” vessels, as described in the preceding story?


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