It’s a bit like serial harassment of Palin, bringing her to the brink of bankruptcy, and then calling her a quitter – IOTW Report

It’s a bit like serial harassment of Palin, bringing her to the brink of bankruptcy, and then calling her a quitter


HT/ Moonbattery

6 Comments on It’s a bit like serial harassment of Palin, bringing her to the brink of bankruptcy, and then calling her a quitter

  1. They make up their own rules as they go along, and then change them when a situation doesn’t fit the narrative.
    Here’s another one I really like:
    “Calling illegal aliens ‘undocumented immigrants’ is like calling heroin dealers ‘undocumented pharmacists’.”
    – James Woods

  2. Whenever I have to endure the company of my libtard relatives, they try to tell me about the failures of capitalism. I always say, “What capitalism is that? You surely don’t mean THIS country with the massive socialist over-regulation of the economy.”

    They joebiden* my question and claim I have no understanding of the economy. I tell them to read Dr. Thomas Sowell’s book on economics. They have no idea who Dr. Sowell is.

    In case you are interested, this is the same group of people that includes a crazy socialist who was given a laudatory book on Che Guevara for his birthday and said about the photo on the cover, “Who is that? George Washington?”

    My relatives are worse than stupid. They’re socialist.

    * Laugh at everything your guest says because you have to hide the fact that you have zero knowledge of the topic being discussed. See the 2008 VP debate.

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