It’s important to breathe when you’re convulsing with laughter – IOTW Report

It’s important to breathe when you’re convulsing with laughter

Daily Mail Headline –

The most glamorous first ladies of the West: Spain’s Queen Letizia meets Michelle at the White House during royal visit to the U.S.
Michelle Obama welcomed Queen Letizia of Spain to the White House this afternoon and gave her a tour of her famous organic garden


Michelle, the donkey, visits with a field of thoroughbreds.

59 Comments on It’s important to breathe when you’re convulsing with laughter

  1. Wow, that queen is a pretty good looking woman. If I were Mooch, I wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room with her. Or maybe the queen just looks great in contrast? What a beast our “First Lady” is.

  2. Mooochelle looks like she ran a 100-yard dash in a 90-yard gym. (badda-ching)

    I mean, she is so ugly, she could make an onion cry. (badda-ching)

    Thank you. Thank ya very much. I will be here all week. Don’t forget to tip you bartenders and wait-staff….

  3. The queen sports some awesome clothes.

    I’m actually ashamed of how Moo dresses. Is she actually wearing fugly clothing on purpose? Do her designers just hate her guts and are laughing at her behind her butt?

    That dress would be cute on a 10 year old girl or perhaps even a sweet 16 year old. It’s not for a mature hag, unless they are doing the laundry.

  4. Wait a minute, donkeys are kinda cute, that’s a big rump pack mule right there.
    Just wondering, doesn’t Moose have somebody to tell her that dress fits like shit? She is with a queen, styling her off the Target rack ghetto couture, I’m so proud.
    Somebody needs to tell the poor thing, if your body looks like it was built by a low bid Rezko contractor, wear a print, never geometric patterns.
    It fits so poorly, looks like off the rack at Wally World.
    All her advisors, and she has more than a few, must be scared to death of her, or they are giggling behind their hands at her lack of fashion sense.
    If it weren’t so funny and if she wasn’t such a bitch, would kinda feel sorry for her.
    Bless her heart.

  5. There must be a law against using the word “glamorous” when describing the First Mooch. Words that should never be in the same sentence.
    BTW, laughing so hard at comments my head hurts!

  6. Let’s not judge them merely by their looks. Clearly, the Spanish queen is a beautiful woman, but more importantly she loves her nation and has class and poise. That’s the biggest contrast.

  7. Ultimate “Beauty and the Beast” face-off would be Mooch meeting Charlotte Casirhagi.

    Charlotte is the daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco. She is currently sixth in line to the Monegasque throne, and she gets my vote as Most Gorgeous Creature on the Planet.

    Look her up, guys.

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