It’s not about race… – IOTW Report

It’s not about race…

25 Comments on It’s not about race…

  1. …as an employee, I would not wear a uniform with a company’s name on it if I hated the company.

    …as an employer, I would not WANT someone wearing a uniform with my company’s name on it who told my customers how much they hated my company, and would not allow you to represent me in any way as we would both be happier if you were not here.

    …So with that said, WHY is Rapinoe wearing a “USA” uniform?

    …in a private sector business where the management did not hate the Company, this would not happen.

    …guess we see what happens when America hating perverts are at both ends of the process, though, and it’s a political process uninterested in profit, performance, or appearance, only a message of hatred and division, which is all SHE has, and all those who SENT her have, so here we are…

  2. Race does matter. Like it or not the facts speak for themselves.

    Black on white violence is over 9X the reverse. 3% of our population(black men, 15-45 years old) account for almost 55% of all types of violent crime.

    Remove our 10 largest cities from our crime stats and we have a crime rate similar to Norway.

    Showing a few black conservatives is all well & good but that doesn’t begin to paint a true picture of race relations in this country.

    We have poured literally trillions into black communities and try and tell me these inner city sanctums are better than they were in the 1950s. good fucking luck

  3. “Is that the state of California tattooed on her/its right arm?”

    It’s a depiction of her strap-on. The real thing will probably snd up thrown in the street during a domestic dispute.

  4. No, it’s stealth reverse racism against BOTI (black on the inside) whites and your love of oreos, sellouts, and Toms.

    Quit trying to game up, white persons. You can’t win.

  5. @MMinWA

    “Showing a few black conservatives is all well & good”

    You missed the point of this post by a mile.

    First off, we don’t know this woman’s politics because she does not wear it on her sleeve like the activist leftist athletes. What endears her to conservatives is her affectionate display of gratitude to the nation she represents. That and the piety displayed in giving all glory to God. Her demeanor demonstrated not only a love of country but an appreciation of the honor involved in representing that country on a world stage. That is the difference.

    And as far as throwing crime stats at us, you should put the preponderance of the blame on while liberals who ran those cities for 60 years, who enabled black dependency, did not reward the nuclear family, and let dangerous criminals back on the streets.

  6. Good one dupe, blame white liberals for their feral behavior. Whatever.

    When race pimps like Jesse Jackson OPENLY acknowledge the relief they feel when they hear footsteps behind them, turn and see white men and STILL you refuse to cop to the “reported”(I guarantee that the FBI is under reporting black on white crime) crime stats?

    Actually it’s people like you that are the problem. You’re an enabler. By trying to shift the blame for violet behavior onto people that aren’t, yaknow, actually committing the violence, you’re telling the criminals that it’s just not their fault they feel the need to assault Asians…

    Fine with me Bub. Betcha a dollar you don’t live in an inner city.

    The fact a black athlete is patriotic shouldn’t be any kind of a fucking story. Just like a white or an Asian athlete showing patriotism shoiuld be NBD. It only is because BLM is NOT the exception but the rule.

  7. “The fact a black athlete is patriotic shouldn’t be any kind of a fucking story.”

    OK, now I think you aren’t even trying, missing the point yet again. Read the caption in the post, it’s not about race despite your obstinate refusal to accept that. It is about an athlete who exhibits qualities conservatives find beneficial; gratitude, respect, humbleness, and a devoutness to her creator. One athlete demonstrates these qualities, the other does not, hence the dismissal of “race” as anything of value.

    Dude, you sound like Nicole Hannah-Jones with your fixation on race. We all have a soul, we all want to prosper and provide for our family. If you are a religious person then you know that God values all his children, if not, then best you learn that empathy is the best way to get along with your neighbor.

    I don’t live in an inner city now but spent a good deal of my life living in Oakland and LA.

    And I’m not putting ALL the blame on white liberals, hence the word “preponderance”. Ultimately each person is responsible for his own actions but it was white liberals, starting with LBJ, The War on Poverty, not holding the teachers unions accountable for shitty schools, welfare dependency, and a lax criminal justice system, they shaped the inner cities with their disastrous social policies.

    And no, I don’t think BLM is the rule, it is an outlier, a tool, utilized and fed by the leftists to reshape our country.

  8. It’s pointless debating with people like you. Pitiful reasoning just can’t be argued with. Fuck the facts and stats.

    Take a good look at S Africa pal. Note the race of those pushing sleds full of goods down the street and tell gee MM, nothing like that happens here.

    Really fucking pitiful.

  9. It’s interesting how many athletes in the combative sports are conservative. A good example of this is the MMA. Wrestling is no different. I follow a couple different wrestling pages on IG and regardless of skin color there’s on over whelming tendency to lean right. My own theory is it’s the discipline demand by the sport makes one think a little more clear headed.
    Soccer? Not so much.

  10. Carl Lewis blasted the USA men’s 4X100 fuck-all performance last night, calling it an embarrassment, he ain’t lying. I’ve seen Apple store looting better organized and executed.

  11. rich taylor, you’re spot on! Got to give credit where credit is due.

    Thanks for these excellent and truth filled quotes:
    “And as far as throwing crime stats at us, you should put the preponderance of the blame on while liberals who ran those cities for 60 years, who enabled black dependency, did not reward the nuclear family, and let dangerous criminals back on the streets.”

    “And I’m not putting ALL the blame on white liberals, hence the word “preponderance”. Ultimately each person is responsible for his own actions but it was white liberals, starting with LBJ, The War on Poverty, not holding the teachers unions accountable for shitty schools, welfare dependency, and a lax criminal justice system, they shaped the inner cities with their disastrous social policies.”

    Totally agree, thanks.


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