It’s not Republicans Democrats are afraid of; it’s other Democrats! – IOTW Report

It’s not Republicans Democrats are afraid of; it’s other Democrats!

American Thinker:

By Silvio Canto, Jr.

We learned this past week that Speaker Pelosi and most Democrats were so outraged about President Trump’s Ukraine phone call that they decided to start impeachment — more inquiry, that is!  We are still waiting for a House vote and may never get that.

So what is this fury for impeachment all about?  Is it really about the Ukraine phone call, or is it about something else?  Is someone trying to take out former V.P. Biden by targeting President Trump?

My guess is that there is another reason.  Let’s call it “Joe Crowley Syndrome” since everybody is calling everything a syndrome these days. read more

2 Comments on It’s not Republicans Democrats are afraid of; it’s other Democrats!

  1. The dems are in a rush to get as much B.S. out on PT and do as much harm to him as demonically possible BEFORE indictments are issued against their god zero. They are playing beat the clock. If the indictments come before their crap, they won’t be able to holler “retaliation.”


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