It’s the 60s all over again – White Leftists Exploiting Blacks To Help Usher in Communism/Socialism – IOTW Report

It’s the 60s all over again – White Leftists Exploiting Blacks To Help Usher in Communism/Socialism

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12 Comments on It’s the 60s all over again – White Leftists Exploiting Blacks To Help Usher in Communism/Socialism

  1. I saw white, blond, college girl and her friend with one the other day on her daddy’s Subaru. I screamed at her “your a dumb c~nt!!!” She looked like she was about to cry. I laughed at them and said ” you can’t even handle that… I’d love to see you deal with a little socialism… twat”…. I drove away laughing at them. They need a little shock outside the playpen they sit in on campus.

  2. They don’t care, Czar. They are so lost in ignorance they can’t see anything else, and further – don’t want to. They think they already know everything and there’s nothing anyone else can teach them. They probably KNOW they are supporting communism and think it’s a good idea that us “wingnuts” just need to be forced into. They don’t see the real danger, but think Christians and conservatives are the enemy who need to be mowed over in their quest for uptopia.

  3. If they hadn’t aborted all.those millions of black babies, the White Left would have been able to field quite a black army. Now they have to pretend they are black to fill the thin ranks of their Darwinian Dumbass Divisions.

  4. Gladys, some don’t but, more importantly, SOME DO. And if it helps to make a hanful of people think and hopefully change their minds, ALL THE BETTER.

    The alternative? Sitting quietly watching the drones and letting it eat you up inside. Not my style.

    The ones that can’t be changed won’t. So be it. They make themselves more clearly targets.

  5. Having slowly been waken up to this since the mid-90’s, I’ve been very proactive in trying to wake up people I know. Sadly, most would have NONE of it, trying to reason it all away. This IS the eventuality when God is taken out of schools and the public sphere; for nothing anymore is absolute and all is relative. It is selfishness on a mass scale and all of the ramifications that come with it. How to fight it? Stand firm! Get/be hated!

  6. They have the blacks and moslime to do what the American military and police will not do for them. That is to terrorize the normal people of America. To stalk and kill innocent people and terrorize them into silence and surrender.

    Do not ever, ever, ever, give up your guns. In fact, buy more now. Buy as much ammunition as you can. I am by no means a big gun guy but I understand the need. Maybe not you, but maybe your children or grandchildren will be faced with day that society is in chaos. It’s definitely coming. Just look around the world, it’s on fire.

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