Ivanka and Jared buy a white dog and the left has a meltdown – IOTW Report

Ivanka and Jared buy a white dog and the left has a meltdown

The left has to be collectively beaten with a sack of soft cheese. Let’s make it white cheese, just to drive home the point of why they are being flogged.

The Kushner’s introduced a beautiful dog into their home and the morons on the left are saying this is a racist move.

Had they bought a black dog they’s say they bought a little slave.

more at Twitchy.

And the Obama’s got Sunny because Bo wasn’t black enough. See how that works?

47 Comments on Ivanka and Jared buy a white dog and the left has a meltdown

  1. There is NO WAY in HELL to pacify leftists ASSHOLES. They personally refuse to accept ANYTHING short of complete submission.

    We ALL KNOW the only way to reconcile our differences……

  2. A man has to know his limitations and pay attention to what he is setting himself up for.

    I personally wouldn’t live under the same roof with white dog and spend every day being oppressed by the son of a bitch. Browns and blacks for me, a mans home is his castle and any oppressing that is to be done here it is my pink ass that is going to be doing it.

  3. There are no limits to the silliness that those with political / ideological obsessive-compulsive disorder can come up with when D. Trump & family not only live rent-free in their heads, but also have evicted all other thoughts so they are the sole occupants.

    The left has to be collectively beaten with a sack of soft cheese. Let’s make it white cheese, just to drive home the point of why they are being flogged.

    How about extra sharp American cheddar?

  4. They should have named it Blackie.

    My grandfather had a cat named Blackie. We all drove to his house after some event, and my grandfather shouted from the other room after looking for the cat, “Where’s Blackie?!”

    The maid (named Francis) piped up, “I’s here! I’s here!”

    Ahhh.. back in the day.

  5. These Goddamned Democrats make me sick. When in high school the group I ran with was very, very diverse politically, and racially. We pulled racial jokes all the time and the outcome was always: you dog!

    I was at my 40th high school reunion and with many of the same friends and we were relating many of the pranks that we pulled on each other and everyone remembered having fun at others expense or being the goat and it was all in good fun.

    Everybody remembered with fondness Michael D, a black guy, coming late to every party and yelling out: hey where is all the white women at.

    Can’t do that today, I have a racially diverse group of friends but politically we draw the line well to the right of Progdom.

    They are buzzkills and nobody likes a buzzkill.

  6. All the dogs I’ve had (and that’s a lot of dogs) love to meet other dogs but they go wild if they meet dogs of their own breed. It’s like they really enjoy the ancestor connection. But of course that’s not ok for humans because the Democrats think they get to make the rules.

  7. Now that we’re on the subject of random stuff being racist or whatever:
    The damn yellow line in the middle of the road is not only Asian-o-centric, but smacks of divisiveness.
    Then there’s coffee. Europeans call coffee with milk: White Coffee, it’s not white, it’s brown. How disenfranchising for persons of Brownness, to see a nice brown coffee called ‘white’. As if inferring that a little whiteness in a larger portion of blackness somehow elevates you to whiteness.
    Racists, racists everywhere

  8. All the dogs I’ve had (and that’s a lot of dogs) love to meet other dogs but they go wild if they meet dogs of their own breed. It’s like they really enjoy the ancestor connection. But of course that’s not ok for humans because the Democrats think they get to make the rules.

  9. Avenatti is still pissed that DJTjr got the upper hand on Twitter. Hilarious!
    And this particular tweet reads like a 4 year old trying make a joke. What a tool.
    He better get it all out while he can. He’ll be in prison soon and he won’t be able to use social media. lol

  10. @ Left Coast Dan – Stymie – “Do dey ‘Boe’f hav fleas?”

    Roger Waters named a black dog – ‘nikka’ – in the movie The Wall.

    Looks like a cute little WHITE fox/dog to me.

  11. My dog is really racist. His name is Chief Ten Bears (a nod to Will Sampson) and he’s black. And he can run really fast. He’s half Great Pyrenees and half Poodle (a real poodle).

    All the jokes aside, fuck these dimtards. My dog is smarter than any democrat.

  12. I had a lab that had a hate on for black people, if she saw a black person it was game on. The Amish kids down the street had teased her before I got her and she did get over it, but it was embarrassing while it lasted.

    Bird killin machine though.

  13. Ivanka could appease the complainers by painting the little dog brown but then that would be cruelty to animals instead of woke.

    The dog is the wrong color. First world problems. 🤷‍♀️

  14. I think a lot of this ridiculousness the Left tweets out is just their version of trolling to get a rise out the Right. The best way to spoil their fun is to simply ignore it. It just makes everyone look so stupid to engage in a pissing match over the color of a dog.

  15. AA,
    Even better than ignoring the Libtards, laugh at them when they come out with silly stuff like this. Laugh three ways; long, hard, and often. Oh, and don’t forget to point so everybody knows who you’re laughing at.

  16. Imagine how the left will howl (pun intended) when they learn the breed is American Eskimo.

    “American” will send them off a cliff. “Eskimo” will make them add the charge of cultural appropriation.

    BTW, I have an Eskie in my family. Amazing and very loyal breed. I don’t think I could ever want another kind of dog again.

  17. I think even the DEMOCRATS are snickering at the fact that they’d have the SAME outrage if Ivanka and Jared had bought a black dog. In fact, the absurd Leftists fallout would be even worse!

    Dems don’t care what you do…as long as they can find SOME way to attack it.

  18. I put this webpage on my desktop but have seen the same articles for days and days. Think I’ll remove it.
    If you want people to be interested you have to be up to date.

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