I’ve Put Fox News On Double Secret Probation – IOTW Report

I’ve Put Fox News On Double Secret Probation

Fox News asks-

Are skirts for men the next big fashion trend?

Fox reprinted it from the NY Post. Why?

Do they expect any other answer other than a resounding NO?

The article talks about “gender fluidity” and “changing roles,” which is all, of course, complete bullshite.

If we’re not supposed to think of such Neanderthal notions as “women’s clothes” or “women’s things,” then why do trannies put on makeup and dresses and wear pumps?

Why don’t they wear flannel shirts, work boots and jeans?

It’s because their mental condition needs to be satiated with a correct physical world, and they know what physical properties are associated with femininity.  Conversely, it’s why Chastity Bono walks around in Jonah Hill hand-me-downs and doesn’t wear a dress.

The left is deranged.

And I don’t need Fox News dabbling in the deranged arts.

30 Comments on I’ve Put Fox News On Double Secret Probation

  1. The Murdoch heirs, reprogramming Fox as MSNBC Lite.

    Except for the 3 minute opening monologues that Hannity and now Laura are permitted, it’s all Lefty viewpoints and Lefty guests.

  2. Dianny,
    Disagree, this is not cultural appropriation.
    I see NO clan plaid on those skirts.
    The only way you’d get me to wear that much material down to my knees, it had better be in clan Duncan or clan Stuart plaid.
    A Scot! A Scot!

  3. They look like harem eunuchs. Women are crazy to continue the feminization of men. It’s gone way too far.

    How can sissy boys be sexy? Is this what you want for your sons? Teaching your young ones some basic civilized manners and respect would go a very long way to bring civility back into the chaos progressive teach and tout.

  4. Here in Seattle, of course, was a teacher who claimed Scottish heritage. He wore a kilt to school. If he was a true Scotsman, that meant he wore no underwear! I don’t know any more details.

  5. Just between us here, let me tell you something pisses me the phuck off. I mean really makes my ass crave ice water.

    A news channel that proposes their stories as questions.

    They run that shit on the under video banners in a continuous stream. Are you a news outlet? Don’t be asking me phuckin’ questions about my beliefs or opinions, tell me yours. You have millions of dollars to put people out and about to find facts. Why the phuck aren’t you?

    Perhaps when the revolution actually gets down to shooting people we should start with the media then move on to the phuckery in government.

    At this point I get confused as to whom actually is the greater threat to the nation.

    To the monitoring agencies. I was a sworn member of our nation’s military. Read the oath. I was charged with certain duties. There was no release when I was rendered out.

  6. I don’t think that fashion statement is going to do well is Texas. I have not watched Fox News since the first debate when Megan Kelly showed her true colors.

  7. I used to get pop-ups …….. but after 70 they kinda dropped off to twinges …………. sortuva tingling in the head – so to speek – butacurs pretty l’il girls still – well – y’no –

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