James Comey ‘asked the Justice Department to shoot down President’s claim that Obama ordered a wire tap at Trump Tower’ – IOTW Report

James Comey ‘asked the Justice Department to shoot down President’s claim that Obama ordered a wire tap at Trump Tower’


Kellyanne Conway has challenged FBI director James Comey to reveal what he knows about President Trump’s explosive allegations that Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower prior to the election. Comey reportedly took the extraordinary step of asking the Justice Department to publicly refute the claims about Obama that the president tweeted out early on Saturday.

While Conway could not confirm if Trump knew for sure that his phones had been bugged, she called on the FBI director  to issue a statement. ‘If Mr Comey has something he’d like to say I’m sure we’re all willing to hear it,’ the counsellor to the president told Fox News Channel’s Jeanine Pirro on Sunday night. If he knows, of course he can issue a statement… we know he’s not shy.’

Trump, who returned to Washington on Sunday \from Mar- A-Lago, has not publicly commented on the allegations since he accused Obama of spying on him before the election. White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on Sunday Trump was calling on Congress to investigate. Obama’s director of national intelligence James Clapper told NBC’s Chuck Todd he ‘absolutely denies’ Trump’s claim of wiretapping. A spokesman for the former president released a statement Saturday afternoon refuting Trump’s claims.

27 Comments on James Comey ‘asked the Justice Department to shoot down President’s claim that Obama ordered a wire tap at Trump Tower’

  1. Clapper is a proven lier.
    O’Baja is a proven lier.
    Hillary is a proven lier.
    Comey is a proven lier.
    Low’retta is a proven lier.
    All these lyres make terrible music together.

  2. Check mate. If the dems truly believed Trump was conspiring with Russia to influence US election their due diligence would been to have intel investigate. So which is it, they did or didn’t wiretap. Either way DJT has cornered them.

  3. “A spokesman for the former president released a statement Saturday afternoon refuting Trump’s claims.”

    prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove.
    “these claims have not been convincingly refuted”
    synonyms: disprove, prove wrong, prove false, debunk, discredit, invalidate; More
    prove that (someone) is wrong.
    deny or contradict (a statement or accusation).
    “a spokesman totally refuted the allegation of bias”
    synonyms: disprove, prove wrong, prove false, debunk, discredit, invalidate;

    Nice try, DM. The word you’re avoiding is “denied”

    I thought the British were the ultimate arbiters of English. Guess not.

  4. Man, this country has been totally and criminally ill served by the feckless horde of government feral rats per these last twenty years. God must love us or we would have gone under long ago!

  5. How the holy hell does this inane, demonic jerk survive! The patriotic Americans hate him and the hate America crowd hates him. I suspect his wife and family hate him and yet he pushes forward with that evil smile and overtly incompetent actions!

  6. @Vietvet…

    Ditto for Koskinen.

    But we really don’t know if Comey actually did what is claimed. There is no video or document to verify the “reports” of “senior American officials”. Seems like “fake news” to me, at this point.

  7. @Viet Vet — It’s highly doubtful anyone has anything on DJT. We need to take off the rightfully cynical hat of suspicion we’ve had to wear for the past several decades — as it regards our gov’t — and start thinking from a business exec’s viewpoint and, more specifically, as a turnaround manager (aka change agent). The People (Board of Directors) fired the CEO and his veeps in November. The New Guy has to install his trusted lieutenants (and the D’s are doing everything in their power to obstruct) in place and then let them get the lay of the land vis their own departments. There would be several unforced errors if he simply went around his guys and started firing lower level placeholders. I have no doubt that Trump knows who the bad actors are and we will see them leaving in the next few months. But they do serve a purpose for the present. Anyone who has been through a major corporate shake-up knows the basic patterns. Even in corporations there will be a number of die-hard loyalists who won’t cooperate with the new management — those people usually leave to go to the wherever the deposed CEO goes. Then there are those who were the most free with their opinions who finally shut their mouths and worry more about a pay check — they grudgingly do their job until they are let go for poor performance — they are damaged goods. Then there are those who’ve always understood their proper place in the organization, pull up their socks and soldier on. And then there are those who enthusiastically take up the new mission and they are finally recognized for their fresh ideas and can-do spirit, and promoted accordingly.

  8. AbigailAdams,
    Enjoyed the Corp. analogy. Not sure, though, if an analogy with 19th Century South American revolutionaries isn’t more apt. We’ve become a 3rd world Satrapy of the Globaloney-ists, and our “elected” class is stealing everything in sight. There existed honest, and honorable, revolutionaries in South America in the 19th Century but the overwhelming culture of corruption eclipsed their suns and the results were less than stellar. President Trump, indeed the United States of America, is drowning in a sea of intrigue and corruption, and I am surprised that he was caught at unawares. He knew of the depravity of the Congress and Supreme Court, and was quite aware of the corruption in the Executive Agencies (having been a businessman and being forced to deal with them) so it came as something of a shock that he so little (apparently) understood the depth of that depravity and corruption.
    I wish him well, but cannot get rid of the nagging feeling that the American People are going to have to step up and “reject” the endemic socialism, corruption, and treasons which surround us. President Trump cannot do it alone.
    President Trump should not be expected to make the attempt on his own – he is our “assign” – the man chosen to fulfill our will – not some Mocha Messiah chosen by the Globaloney community and foisted upon us by a false narrative through the propaganda outlets.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. All weekend, before and after PDT fired his twitter salvo, the narrative was that PDT was raging about how poorly his staff is handling all of the scandals. Now comes a reportedly alleged report by “Senior American Officials”—not senior administration officials, not even senior government officials—that Comey is shaking his head and calling PDT a delusional paranoiac. Now, ABC is asking if PDT believes that Comey’s “reported” denial of wiretapping by the Obama admin.

    The WH spox, Sarah Huckabee, says, “I don’t think he does”, instead of saying ” Have you verified that Comey did indeed say what is claimed?” Now what is likely Fake News has been dignified with an answer.

    Still awaiting video, paper documentation or any other corroboration of Comey’s alleged, reported denial.

  10. Just as a master chess player, the President is biding his time and letting the opposition think they are winning. When everything is set, the axe will cut them all to shreds!

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