Janet Reno fired U.S. Attorney Sessions 25 years ago – IOTW Report

Janet Reno fired U.S. Attorney Sessions 25 years ago

With all the brouhaha over the recent firing of 46 Obama Era U.S. Attorneys being, lets take a look back to the Clinton administration and who lost their job when Democrats regained the presidency after over a decade.

One of those fired by Bill Clinton’s Attorney General, Janet Reno, had served the nation for 12 years as the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. It was Jeff Sessions,  who later went on to serve his state as its Attorney General, and then went on to the Senate.


8 Comments on Janet Reno fired U.S. Attorney Sessions 25 years ago

  1. That’s the problem with you conservatives. Y’all think there should be one standard for all.
    Now if you will excuse me I’m gonna go make $60/hr. Trumps said I could. And you know there ain’t no lying on the interwebs.

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