Jeb Bush wants to pay college students who don’t graduate – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush wants to pay college students who don’t graduate

jeb vanilla obama

FreeRepublic- Jeb Bush has a fantastically awful idea when it comes to college education. He thinks community college students should get “free” tuition for two years. If that’s sounds familiar, it’s because it’s the exact same thing President Barack Obama proposed in January.

Which shows how completely hypocritical Bush is because he came out against Obama’s plan in January. Oh, but Bush’s plan gets even more #headdesk inducing. He wants universities to PAY BACK students who don’t graduate in four years. more

14 Comments on Jeb Bush wants to pay college students who don’t graduate

  1. Will someone please tell me the difference between Bush and Clinton.

    Also, don’t fall for calling these people by their first names. Let them each wear their family crest like the stain it is.

  2. What makes this so damning is that he COULD have gone with a suggestion to extend K-12 to K-12+2. That would have at least been honest. But no, he had to go with “free”. And people wonder why some find Trump’s almost abusive honesty so appealing.

  3. This Bush guy is so obviously ignorant of the drastically important concerns of the hard working, tax paying citizens of this country, that he, like a big goofy court jester, feels perfectly comfortable to go bouncing around like Tigger, spouting the polar opposites answers to our very real and urgent problems in this country. It’s as if he’s been hired to pander to the gimme vote and the illegals vote, hmmmm.

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