Jeb! psychoanalyzing self, finds himself virtuous enough for presidency – IOTW Report

Jeb! psychoanalyzing self, finds himself virtuous enough for presidency


Newsmachete: The greatest fiction writers will tell you that the best way to describe a character in a story is to show him in action, not to describe him with adjectives.

Unfortunately, Jeb Bush doesn’t employ very talented novelists to write his speeches. In an effort to re-re-re boot his campaign, he gave a major speech in Miami in English on Monday.
First, Jeb started talking about his exciting new book–about his emails.

For eight years, I gave out my email address to anyone who wanted to talk to me.

And email they did!

People across the state told me their stories.

Sometimes they asked questions.

Sometimes they asked for help.

I used my email exchanges to tell the Florida story.


jeb sleeping

8 Comments on Jeb! psychoanalyzing self, finds himself virtuous enough for presidency

  1. Cute story, Uncle: This summer I was visiting friends who farm in the Yakima valley in e. Washington. Their produce market sits on the reservation there and is heavily populated by Mexicans — few of whom choose to speak English. Standing in conversation with my friend, one of the cashiers asked me if I could speak Spanish to help with a question from a customer. Before thinking, I blurted out, “My people came from Norway! Why the heck would I know Spanish, I’m an American!” Someone, somewhere in the market piped up saying, “Right on.”

  2. B-b-b-b-b-but I’m a nice person!
    A good person! And I’m smart, too!
    Really … I am … I am … Momma said so …

    Dad and George got to be Preznit! It’s my turn … now … and I’m a good person … just ask my Momma … she knows …

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