Jennifer, You Ignorant Slut – IOTW Report

Jennifer, You Ignorant Slut

I’m going to fisk Jennifer Rubin’s (Washington Post) recent piece she titled, “Here’s what African Americans have to lose if Trump is elected.”

Rubin’s piece Here

Where to begin?

Better start with your best rebuttal, Jennifer.

The 58 percent figure has been debunked previously… In July, the unemployment rate for all African Americans was 8.4 percent. So contrary to Trump’s cockeyed view, more than 91 percent of African Americans looking for work do have jobs.

And there’s your first distortion. Everyone knows that to be counted as unemployed one has to actually be looking for work. We also know that the participation rate is a better indicator of productive contribution to society.

Lets look at participation rate, then, shall we?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that for blacks the participation rate in July was 61.2 percent. That compares to a 62.9 percent rate of all Americans overall. Please note that the numbers for all Americans are dragged down somewhat by inclusion of blacks in the overall.

Where the numbers really differ is among men ages 20 and up and among both sexes 16 to 19. For July the participation rate for blacks in both categories was 67.7 percent and 27.7 percent as compared to all workers of 72.4 percent and 37.4 percent.

 So for July black men were below the percentage average of participation by 4.7 and 10.3 for teens. Even for statistics, doesn’t that seem kind of dismal?

Moreover not all African Americans live in poverty or go to schools that “are not good.”

That’s a brilliant generalization as well. I doubt Donald Trump believes the children of successful black families are poor or undereducated but there is a difference isn’t there.

Poverty rates

Lets go to page 5 of the Census report on Income and Poverty in the United States. There’s an easy to comprehend chart of Real Median Household Income by Race and Hispanic Origin 1967 to 20014. At the bottom, blacks at a $35,398 median income from 1965 to 2014. Note: They use median so that really high and really low incomes don’t distort where most households report. 

The School Gap it exist, it’s consistent and it’s significant. Blacks have and continue to under perform, the interesting thing is according to the National Center for Education Statistics it’s predominately black schools that underperform not blacks themselves. Take them out of those mostly black schools and they seem to do as well as the white students.

 Now why would schools that are predominately black have students that underperform whether they are black or white or Hispanic, Jen? Perhaps they are school districts that keep voting for Democrats.

Rubin goes on to say Hillary and the Democrats agree with her generalizations to gloss over the disturbing facts in the black community. Then there’s a paragraph accusing Trump of not offering a solution for the black community because he isn’t proposing Democrat policy approaches to the problems.

That’s because they have failed, Jennifer. Trumps message to blacks is “shouldn’t you try something else, because the Democrat’s have only made things worse for you.”

What do blacks have to lose?  “Let’s count the ways.”

…strict law-and-order agenda that rejects the suggestion that there are legitimate complaints in the African American community about policing – falsely accusing cities with large African American populations to be crime havens.

Blacks need more policing because blacks commit more crimes. But don’t take my word for it read this Here

More crime means fewer business, fewer jobs, fewer productive people willing to live in those communities and instead move out leaving the less productive behind.

She closes her article accusing Trump of pandering to the alt-right and white supremacist.

So why is he reaching out to blacks then? That doesn’t make any sense. Won’t his focus on a voting bloc that Republicans have written off, and Democrats take for granted, alienate the racist who hate those voters?

 Rubin then goes on to declare that Trump alienates blacks who have converted to Islam- “13% of U.S. Muslims are African American whose parents were born in the United States.”

And those Muslims, just as every other Muslim who are American citizens, should appreciate Trumps call to ban further immigrants from countries subject to terrorism as a measure to protect all Americans from importing the death and destruction from those regions. But you want to generalize again to demonize the candidate not those who bring the violence with them.

~~~ For those that remember Saturday Night Live in the early years,




5 Comments on Jennifer, You Ignorant Slut

  1. “Moreover not all African Americans live in poverty or go to schools that “are not good.”

    And after 80 years of unrelenting DEMOCRAP social(ist) programs to help out ‘token darkie,’ WHOSE fault would this be? 😳

  2. Who are you trying to convince that balck people are doing just fine, Jennifer? Are you talking to black people, or are you giving talking points to elite media people? IMy guess is the latter.

    Black people, you are doing just FINE, got it?

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