Jerry Brown State of the State Speech – California is Prospering – IOTW Report

Jerry Brown State of the State Speech – California is Prospering

Excerpts from the LA Times-

Good morning. As our Constitution requires, I’m here to report on the condition of our state.

Simply put, California is prospering.

Thank God for John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Along with the Democrats, they prevailed and protected healthcare for tens of millions of Americans.

To combat crime, among other things, California has created an extensive prison system that has changed quite substantially and grown over the decades. In fact, it grew so fast and became so crowded that the United States Supreme Court issued an unprecedented order requiring drastic changes.

To give you a sense of the magnitude of the problem, here are some of the facts:

  • In 1970, California imprisoned 125 persons per 100,000. That number now stands at 331.
  • The corrections budget then was about 3 percent of the General Fund. Now it’s 8.9 percent — about $12 billion.
  • My plea is relatively straightforward: Take time to understand how our system of crime and punishment has evolved, how other states and countries have devised their prison systems and what changes might we now make. I urge that instead of enacting new laws because of horrible crimes and lurid headlines, you consider the overall system and what it might need and what truly protects public safety.

That is why recent measures are so vital which allow the possibility of earlier parole and milestone credits for those who turn their lives around.

…activists championed the cause in our nation’s capital of those young people we call the Dreamers. In all this, California was in the forefront, showing the way.

Did I tell you about the overcrowded prison system and how we are going to liberalize the guidelines as to what constitutes a criminal?  (Okay, this line I made up. – bfh)



A California local tells me there is a bit of a brouhaha developing over a remark Brown made. He told firefighters to not stress so much about putting out the fires because with every acre destroyed they get federal funding.

I’m not sure of the veracity of this statement, it’s anecdotal, but it sounds like something the moonbeam would say.


22 Comments on Jerry Brown State of the State Speech – California is Prospering

  1. A rising tide… Imagine how CA would be without the last year with Trump as president.

    Meanwhile I am part of the recession in CA at the moment, although I am pretty optimistic about finding something in the next month. Keeping busy regardless!

  2. It is becoming quite obvious that Jerry is still smoking, and he’s getting the really good shit from the north. Never has a politician been more aptly nicknamed than Moonbeam. It’s time he hopped on a unicorn and rode off into the sunset.

  3. Having walked the stock yards of Kansas I know how to avoid stepping in BULLSHIT. Having walked the streets of most California cities it’s almost impossible to keep your feet clean.

  4. Having escaped commifornia in 08 I feel like it was the best thing I could have ever done. When I watch the old movie BACK TO THE FUTURE and Marty goes back to 1955, that’s the way I will always remember my former home state, not the commie shithole it is today. The best thing that could happen is for the state to split as in the current proposal.

  5. PHenry

    “Thank God for John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins. Along with the Democrats, they prevailed and protected healthcare for tens of millions of Americans.”

    Third line in the story here and a pet peeve mine. I do wish Kalifornia would take her although North Korea would be an acceptable substitute.

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