Jim Carrey Performance, Or Is This Sincere? – IOTW Report

Jim Carrey Performance, Or Is This Sincere?

The actor, who’s dabbled in all sorts of spirituality, including Buddhism, seems to have had a “come to Jesus” moment.

Was he just playacting for Father Greg, or will he now be spreading the word of Christ in Hollywood?

ht/ Annie

37 Comments on Jim Carrey Performance, Or Is This Sincere?

  1. Suffering does not lead to salvation. The reverse is often true but Christ suffered once for all and any who are saved are saved by grace through faith, not suffering. If he’s sincere, he has believed a false gospel.

  2. One doesn’t forgive in order to receive God’s grace.

    “For the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men” Titus 2:11

    “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that [salvation is] not of yourselves. It is the gift of God – not of works, lest any man should boast.” Eph 2:8-9

    Carey has believed a false gospel.

  3. Wow what a poor, mixed up guy. So sad that people have to reject historic, orthodox Christianity and try and make up their own New-Age religions that have a little dash of everything thrown in

  4. “there is a sucker born every minute”

    carey reminds me of this saying, he used to get 20 million a picture didn’t he ?

    for bending over and moving his ass cheeks while talking like a school boy.

    apparently it’s what the public wanted at the time.

  5. “Carrey is being sued by Cathriona White’s mother and estranged husband, who accused the 55-year-old “Ace Ventura” actor of supplying the drugs White took before she committed suicide in September 2015.”

    He’s going to trial next year. This is just jury preparation.

  6. Only God knows what’s in men’s hearts.

    “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.”
    OR: “You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God” (NRSV)

    If he’s insincere, he’s fucking up, Big Time.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Frank,

    Thank you, that was an inspirational video. Father Greg is a Catholic priest. His flock have suffered and repented, and asked for forgiveness. Prayers of repentance and forgiveness are constant in some Christian denominations. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

  8. Regardless of his personal views the man is extremely talented. The other night I watched MAN ON THE MOON for the first time in which Carey portrays Andy Kaufman. His performance was nothing short of genius. As far as spiritual conversion (vs. mainstream religion), he is certainly a prime candidate. God uses unlikely people when it is most needed. Look at Trump …

  9. “Suffering leads to salvation.”

    In my case, it did. Had I not have been down and oh so nearly out I would have never looked up. And I would have missed out on all the wonderful things in my life that have happened since. The pain and suffering at that time was a GOOD thing. Joy through depression. Only The Lord could have been so clever. 😇

  10. Zonga,
    I love that prayer, have you ever read the book “The way of the pilgrim and the pilgrim continues his way.”? It is a wonderful look at Russian Orthodox Spirituality and using that prayer as literally your breath. It is available as a pdf but those aren’t much fun to read. You can get it from amazon.

  11. @ Zonga & Frank,
    I’m interested in the book. I’ve had that book for at least 10 years – unread, and in the course of remodeling, I gave it to a resale shop along with about 50 other books. They love to get books at that shop. Now I’m hoping God puts it into the right hands.

  12. Super Patriot,

    Sometimes people try to do evil, but wind up not only doing good, but have a true conversion. God just likes to remind us that He has a sense of humor. Pray for the guy.

  13. He totally lost me when he started on the New Agey “every cell of your body is God…we are all divine,” lie. No matter what else he said he lied then. So the whole testimony is invalid. The Holy Spirit cannot lie. Satan is the Father of Lies though.
    I was so hoping, after reading all the responses before watching, and having read about Carey’s visit and speech, that I was going to resonate and began to tear up. And then he spoke New Age, at the word
    divine I switched off the video. I’m almost 68 and have walked with the Lord for many years. Like CS Lewis I ran till the Hound of Heaven caught me in His love. I’m disappointed but not surprised.
    Many of you are right – but Carey is a great actor. He almost had me.
    We are certainly not divine. We may and should have the indwelling Holy Spirit abiding in us, but He is a separate Person and the only one of us who is most definitely Divine. Poor Jim Carey… If he’s lying to save his skin he’s in deeper trouble than he knows. I hope he wakes up now. Jim Caviezel has a beautiful testimony on YouTube. Big difference in the two messages.

  14. Carey is still in spiritual danger. Intentionally or unintentionally he’s mocking God. I agree with Jerry Manderin and Tina B. The road Carey is on is not narrow enough for him to find The True and Living God.

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