*Jim Jordan is Not Suicidal* – He Vows To Investigate the FBI When the GOP Takes Over the House – IOTW Report

*Jim Jordan is Not Suicidal* – He Vows To Investigate the FBI When the GOP Takes Over the House


Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a frequent critic of the FBI who is poised to become the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee after the GOP takes control of the U.S. House, sent several letters to the FBI. In those letters, Jordan, relying on what whistleblowers from the FBI told him, alleged the agency purged employees from their posts who were critical of the Biden administration.

“Under Jordan, the committee is set to continue an investigation into the Biden administration’s ‘misuse of federal criminal and counterterrorism resources to target concerned parents at school board meetings’ after Jordan said whistleblowers shared information that the White House ‘colluded with the National School Boards Association to manufacture a pretext for the use of federal law enforcement authorities against parents,’” Fox News reported.

“The FBI is not immune from transparency or above accountability for its actions,” Jordan told Wray in a letter last month. “Committee Republicans intend to continue to examine the politicization and bias at the FBI, including into the 118th Congress if necessary.”

Last week, Jordan argued that he believes there’s been a seismic shift regarding the ongoing federal investigation of President Biden’s son Hunter Biden.


15 Comments on *Jim Jordan is Not Suicidal* – He Vows To Investigate the FBI When the GOP Takes Over the House

  1. When the GOP sends letters to the FBI are they sent by USPS? Are they sent “First Class”? Do they require a signed receipt? Does the FBI have to open them? Does the FBI have to read them. Can the FBI just shitcan them and say FU?

  2. The IRS targeted conservatives – Lois Lerner walked away with an enhanced retirement.

    Months of congressional theater over Benghazi – SoS Hillary Clinton walked away and then ran for President.

    More theater over Fast and Furious gun running by DoJ – Comey walks away and writes a book.

    Election interference by the Black Panthers
    GSA party central
    etc, etc, etc

  3. Meh. Two years of RINO campaign posturing followed by Dominion giving the House back to the Dems.

    Just as planned.

    Besides, Supreme Court Chief Justice Brittney Yevette Griner will put a stop to it after the 51 majority Senate speedily confirms *her* next year.

  4. Congress, Holder of The Purse: OH NOES! Teh patient’s bleeding all over the ER! You knows what? Let’s just leave it here, taking up space, bleeding all over, and discuss, how we’ll discuss, in the futur, what might (though we can’t be sure it’s akshally “bleeding”) be the cause of this, particulkar, individual, totally not systemic, alleged, “bleeding”.

    You voted. It’s your fault.






  6. A associate of mine has a brother-in-law in the FBI.
    He’s retiring because of all the bullshit. Plans on working corporate or private
    security. Will make at least the same and probably more without having to be a criminal himself.


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