JK Rowling is Cancelled – IOTW Report

JK Rowling is Cancelled

8 Comments on JK Rowling is Cancelled

  1. I am glad I don’t fakebook,tweet4twits,instantlygram,
    or snap-a-chat.Like a bunch of evil children.”Yes you
    are but what am I ?” “rubber glue sticks to you”.Does
    anybody else see how silly and stupid all this crap
    has become? You can be fired & ruined for some vapid
    words scrolled out on the screen of the idiotbox phone… On another note: KEEP CHRIST IN CHRISTMAS.
    Hoping for PEASE & JOY for all the fine people on
    this site.

  2. Men Destroying Feminism

    I always dreamed of it, encouraged it, but never thought feminists would make it happen using mentally ill men.

    Best schadenfreude I could have ever imagined!

  3. Historically, what is the average life span of previous eras of madness? 20 years, 100 years? Longer?
    Whatever it is I will pleased when this current madness is finally thrown on the trash heap of stupidity where it belongs.


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