Joe Biden and the NAACP Kick ‘Defund the Police’ to the Curb – IOTW Report

Joe Biden and the NAACP Kick ‘Defund the Police’ to the Curb

PJMedia: “Defund the Police” is painted on a street near the White House. It is the only petition on the Black Lives Matter website. Every Democrat politician, including Joe Biden, has been asked to declare a position on the matter and what exactly it means in media appearances. It has been redefined, twisted and danced around for days.

Now the buzzword is “reimagining.” That is the process by which loony leftist city councils and others plan to reduce, restrict and in some cases eliminate police departments. Well, Democrat nominee Joe Biden appears to be imagining something very different.

In an op-ed for USA Today he presented a plan to increase federal funding to police departments throughout the nation by $300 million. Amid a whole host of really bad ideas such as criminalizing 911 calls based on assumed intent and a return to the disastrous home-lending policies that helped create the housing bubble, he also specifically rejects the idea of defunding police departments.

While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police. The better answer is to give police departments the resources they need to implement meaningful reforms, and to condition other federal dollars on completing those reforms.

I imagine this means a return to the use of Department of Justice investigations and consent decrees. They were used often during the Obama administration with questionable results on police morale and productivity. read more

6 Comments on Joe Biden and the NAACP Kick ‘Defund the Police’ to the Curb

  1. “Give me 12 years and you won’t recognize Germany.” is supposed to be a boast that Hitler made during his 1933 campaign. Just think, they had 8 years under Osmidgen, so 4 years under Obiden Bama will make Hitler’s 1933 boast come true in the country that helped defeat him and make Germany unrecognizable after six years of aerial bombardment. This can’t happen here, right?

  2. The “Razamataz of Chaz” has a great ring to it, ΜΟΛΩΝ.

    (You know the melody.)

    We’re off to see the Wizard,
    The Razamataz of Chaz.
    We hear he is a whiz of a Raz,
    If ever a Raz there was.
    If ever, oh, ever a Raz there was,
    The Razamataz is one because,
    Because, because, because, because, because…
    Because of the Razamataz he does!
    We’re off to see the Wizard,
    The wonderful Razamataz!

  3. This is a bad tune.

    Almost certain now (Duuuh!) that China is behind all of this.

    This is Bullshit. All of it! The virus. The destruction of our economy/cities and the pussies licking our President.

    Now, we need war Commanders…and arrest Obama. NOW!


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