Joe Biden: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral? – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?

American Thinker: I know what you’re thinking.  He’s an animal, obviously.  He threw a young staffer up against a cold marble wall in an isolated chamber of the Capitol’s labyrinthine corridors and reached under her skirt.  When she struggled to free herself from the senator and managed to wriggle away, he angrily pointed a finger in her face and said accusingly and with a “tight” voice, “You’re nothing to me.  You’re nothing!” before leaving her disheveled and confused up against the wall and walking away.  What a monster!  What an animal!  

This is the same Senator Biden who just two years earlier had joined forces with that other hunter of women, sexual predator Senator Ted Kennedy, to upend the confirmation hearings of a well regarded, brilliant, black, but conservative nominee to the Supreme Court by accusing him of having a potty mouth.  To this day, the allegations against now-justice Clarence Thomas never even approached anything close to physical assault, they were largely contradicted by a thorough criminal inquiry by the FBI, and the woman who accused him of using sexually suggestive language is widely considered a liar.  Nevertheless, Gropey Joe, who can’t keep his hands off young girls, and Killer Ted Kennedy, Biden’s fellow Democrat serial-rapist and the murderer of another young female staffer, cynically turned the incendiary smear of sexual impropriety into a well rehearsed and unconscionable “veto by accusation” against any conservative jurist seeking confirmation before their Judiciary Committee, a disgraceful tradition the Democrats have continued right up to the present day.  While he upended the historically neutral committee and transformed it into one of the most coarse and venal legislative bodies since the Dreyfus Affair for purely political reward, deep within the bowels of the Capitol Building, Biden engaged in the exact type of inexcusable sexual assault of which he accused others.  What hypocrisy.  What an absolute animal.  

He says he doesn’t remember the incident, and he may be telling the truth.  With every appearance before a television camera these days, it is becoming clearer and clearer that Slow Joe’s mind is long gone.  As with a body clinging to life with a brain failing to demonstrate consciousness, it is difficult to describe Old Joe’s cognition as anything much beyond that of a vegetative state.  His is a brain firing on so few cylinders that medical professionals must be astonished that it is not sitting pickled in a jar in a lab with electrodes jutting out from all sides.  He’s running to be the first president who won’t even remember running.

He cannot distinguish between Tom Wolf, the current governor of Pennsylvania, and Dale Wolf, who served briefly as governor of Delaware back in 1993.  He thinks Theresa May is Margaret Thatcher.  He thinks Chancellor Angela Merkel is also Margaret Thatcher.  During one debate, he told parents to keep the “record player” on at night so that black children could learn proper English.  He has repeatedly tried to reference the Declaration of Independence in his speeches and found himself so tongue-tied that he was left shouting at his audience, “You know, the thing!”  He told a crowd in South Carolina he is running for the United States Senate.  He bragged of working with Deng Xiaoping, who died a quarter-century ago, on the Paris Climate Accord during the Obama administration.  He thinks “poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids,” especially when they rubbed his legs and twisted his leg hair while he served as their lifeguard.  He believes that his deceased son was the attorney general of the United States (he was not), that 150 million people have been killed from gun violence since 2007, that a child care tax credit would “put 720 million women back in the workforce,” and that the best way to tackle violence against women is by “punching at it and punching at it and punching at it.” MORE

23 Comments on Joe Biden: Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?

  1. Biden is like the most flawed candidate in history:
    – Family bribes from China, Ukraine and others
    – Sexual assault of employee(s)
    – Dementia
    – Stupid
    – Obnoxious
    Yet the Democrat Media Mafia is willing to further further further damage their crap reputations protecting his precious candidacy

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama is the end result of forty years of political corruption, twenty years of political correctness, eight years of political sedition and treason, and at least three years of advancing cognitive mental decline. The Dementiacrat Party deserves this miserable, dishonest, pathetic candidate. He’s going to get replaced before he further embarrasses his monied backers and all those women who are starting to feel he fingered them. Run, Joey, run!

  3. Nose Hair – I wondered who set this up, too.
    I would guess it’s anyone Biden didn’t promise a job to.
    Like Bernie or Tulsi. Or maybe it’s Hillary. Yeah, she endorsed him, but she’s a bitch like that.

  4. Democrats had 21 1/2 candidates and this was their best choice.

    This has turned out to be the Roaring 20s alright.

    I Roar at the TV and radio and their purposeful destruction of the country over their promotion of the last ditch effort to destroy Trump. The blue staters are willing to leave the country a smoldering pile of wreckage, citizens be damned, to exact their revenge on us.

    In the background blue staters are blatantly changing voter rules to bypass the will of the people.

    If they pull that off it’s shooting time. Full fledged tyranny requires an overwhelming response.

    Don’t do it douchebags.

  5. Sen Mazie Hirono, Then: Jan 2019 ,
    “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

    Sen Mazie Hirono, Now, April 2020,
    “The American people deserve a president who can bring our divided country together. That’s why today, I’m endorsing my friend Joe Biden for President of the United States. Joe not only brings years of committed leadership to the presidency, but also empathy and humanity forged by his own personal experiences with tragedy and pain.”

    Apparently Joe is a swell guy. Sweet as a puppy, as beautiful & desirable as a diamond. As long as he is given a pass, not asked questions reserved for people not considered friends by people from the “Bowl of Stupid” like Crazy Mazie Hirono. Both of them together lack the IQ of a limestone rock.

  6. We are at the end of the Democrat and Republican parties.
    The Socialists should split off and form their Comrade Corps so what is left of the Democrat party can try to find itself.
    The Trumpicans should split off and leave the party of Bush and Paul Ryan behind

  7. Sad part is – Joey’s just one sorta run-o-the-mill politico-for-life maggots like the other 530 or so of em.

    If you think them others are pristine … well, I got a bridge in New York to sell ya.
    Found a naked dead (killed herself, he didn’t kill her) girl across one’s desk back in 72 or 73 – didn’t read that in the newspapers, did ya? Another attempted to rape an elevator operator – yep – SHE got fired.

    Term limits? No – LIFE limits is more like it. Callin em “filthy fuckin scum” is a compliment. They have to look UP to see the whale shit on the bottom of the ocean.
    Oh, well, you get what you ask for.

    izlamo delenda est …


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