Joe Biden: I Still Have Not Overcome My Childhood Stutter – IOTW Report

Joe Biden: I Still Have Not Overcome My Childhood Stutter


President Joe Biden said Wednesday he continues to suffer from his childhood stutter, telling an audience he has not fully conquered it.

“I didn’t really beat my stutter — still occasionally I do,” he said, recalling the struggle he experienced as a child.
The president spoke about stuttering during an event at the White House celebrating the Teachers of the Year.
“I stuttered badly, and when you stutter, everyone thinks you have to be stupid or totally incompetent,” he said. more

26 Comments on Joe Biden: I Still Have Not Overcome My Childhood Stutter

  1. This is another attempt to silence those of us who make fun of him because of the stupid shit he says. And social media will now fall in line and protect this jackass from satire and well-deserved mockery.

  2. Stuttering does not make you go off on wild tangents when you’re talking and say stupid things.

    Stuttering does not make you say things that make your handlers have to come back and say “He didn’t really say that.”

    Stuttering does not make you talk to reporters when your handlers don’t want you to necessitating the Eastern Bunny to come over and pull you away.

  3. J-j-j-joe B-b-b-b-biden is a-a-a stu-stu-stu-pid f-f-f-f-fuck.

    Seriously, why should anyone, at this point, believe anything this serial lying piece of shit says about anything?


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